Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Russel Peters

Just thought I would share this with you as I just found it. Its hilarious I don't want to give anything away. So just watch!!!

Note: I did not upload this, so if you find this and want to sue me. You can contact the 3rd party that uploaded this. Im just showing people what I found. Its like me telling them goto a site called ""


Where I trained in F2P.

The blogs title says it all. This blog will tell you where I trained to get Pkercomplete's stats to where he is today, his stats include 99strength, 99attack, 99hitpoints and 99 range. Which is quite impressive for having about 90% of my stats in f2p.

If you decide to use these locations always use your best equipment that you can possibly wear. Its almost common sense but I always see a bunch of people wearing things like addy trimmed while traiing. It looks sweet but your taking away your own bonuses and wasting training time and your own food. So always wear the best armour and weapons.

For these monsters I trained on I can't give you a exact combat lvl I trained at and until I switched monsters. As you have to keep in mind I had pkercomplete since classic. Just remember there are no secrets in training. It takes time. That is why the later monsters I train on auto attack.

Without further a due here are the monsters I trained on:
Like everyone else that starts Runescape chickens are the best monster to train on, as they don't hurt you and feathers are great money makers or great for fly fishing later on. Train smart. I see some "pker" guides out there that say get 10 strength first then get your attack lvls. Personally this is how I see it. The faster you get a strength lvl up the harder you hit. But if you upgrade your weapon from say iron to steel it does the same thing.

Train 5 attack always first so you can upgrade your weapon so you can hit harder, then get the strength lvls as the xp will come faster now since you hit higher.
Cows are the 2nd monster to come. From memory I always thought cows were like lvl 5. But RS2 might have changed their combat lvls. Why I have no idea. So this will change things for people to see where I trained. For the starting players money is the hardest thing to get. Cow hides are also good for all the crafters out there. So always deposit your hides at the bank.
Goblins come next. The good thing about these monsters are theres tons of them hanging around in lumbridge especially this hut/house thing so defiantly train here to get a lot of lvls. Also the goblin diplomacy location has a lot of goblins too. Remember train smart. If theres a lot of people training in one area find a new one. I see a lot of new players sticking to a certain world just because its their home world. Don't do that were training its naturally boring so you want to train as fast as possible so you don't have to train any longer. So don't compete with like 20 other people training at one place for a certain monster. Hop worlds, find a different location with the same monster....

The next monster is the Al-Kharid warrior. I attacked one of these monsters and found that they now "line up to attack you." So make sure you have a lot of food or good def cause this has become a multi area so this can work to your advantage or disadvantage. A tip is if your main is not supplying your account with money for food you can buy cheap kebab's at the shop here which cost 1gp. Just some extra clicking is required.
Like everyone gaurds are another favorite. It just went hand and glove as these monsters are everywhere at this point I would say you should be combat lvl 40 or higher. Remember train smart fighting higher lvl monster slows down your training. As their defense is higher and they hit harder so you use more food. The good thing about gaurds are they are located in varrok so you can make some extra money merchanting. When I was training on gaurds I was using the forums making money off lobster. Im sure you can figure something out merchanting on the G.E.

If guards aren't your thing you can train on these monsters that are located in the varrok sewers. These monsters auto attack you if your the right combat lvl.
Zombies are by far one of my favorite monsters. In RSC this was so over populated because it was such a good place to train. I suggest the wild for training on zombies. If you knew where to stand they would auto attack you for 10 mins.

Lastly we come the the last monster I trained on which Is by far the best monster I found. I hope all these monsters will help you train better. Heres a video of the monster as a lot of people seem to not know where the strong hold is. The video shows from varrok teleport where to go and it shows me standing in one place for 10 mins

A note: I 3 item because when I trained here I don't look at the computer screen so I don't want a random killing me.

I don't want to get anyone in trouble but it is possible to set up a auto clicker at some of these locations. As you can train for 10 mins. I don't suggest you pay for one or look for a auto clicker on google. I have used one and gained a lot of my lvls training at flesh crawlers, while I'm sleeping or was at work or school.

I have zero black marks on pkercomplete, Again it is your choice only I don't promote marcoing as I don't want to jeopardize any of your accounts but if I'm writing about a blog about how I played RS I have to come truth and I have used a auto clicker with flesh crawlers. I think how I got away with it is. I don't produce a lot of clicks its like 3 clicks to get to the corner wait then 3 more click to get back to the fleshcrawlers. 10 mins of training and repeat. After I die and go to lumbridge I log out as nothing attacking me is stopping to log out.

Theres no way that I could have gotten pker's stats to where he is today with out marcoing his stats. I don't understand how people get all their stats to 99 as I thought I played enough already, the only conclusion I can think of is they are sharing accounts, autoing or just plain no lifing it hardcore. Once again I am not promoting marcoing in Runescape, im sharing my past experiences through blog so people can learn what to do and what not to do on their own judgement.

Now that is my little guide on where I trained in f2p and got all my lvls. I said 90% earlier because I got a few lvls at pest control. Hope this helped you on you training.


Monday, October 27, 2008

New video up on youtube/update

Heres the video just in case you somehow missed it on youtube.

The update is for my blog about where I trained. I recently revisited all the old places I trained at but for some reason I think most of the monsters lvls have changed. Like for some reason I always thought cows were lvl 5 but now their lvl 2. But you guys were just curious on what I trained on. So im gonna keep the monsters as is.

Thats about it, look forward to the blog coming up in a few days.


edit: oh btw I found this sweet site and think you should check out if your into wrestling like me.
I only suggest to watch their videos if you have a fast connection. Enjoy Cyber Sunday!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

New poll is up

This poll is about the new PvP since no one gave me any imput! I hope to hear your guys/gals opinions on this through the poll. Next blog im going to talk about what I trained on so expect a pretty decent/long blog compared to this one. As this one is ending soon. Like right now. Go vote!

For all the new people to the site the poll is located on the right, just scroll down and make sure you stay tuned.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Poll Results

(Click to see it larger)

Help make the next poll leave a comment!!

~Out MrSIB

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Have you seen the new South Park

Well here it is.

hopefully u enjoy watching it while your skilling or maybe even PvPing or do we call it Pking?
Leave a comment if your a fan of SP!

Note: I did not upload this video I just found it on the internet and decided to share the url.Note: I did not upload this, so if you find this and want to sue me. You can contact the 3rd party that uploaded this. Im just showing people what I found. Its like me telling them goto a site called ""


Thursday, October 16, 2008

New video is up on youtube

Check it.

This is my very first thoughts on the new update. But now I have had time to actually play it and found several flaws I will be disscussing it in a future video. Cheers for all the comments I received while I was gone.