Thursday, April 29, 2010

Raw footage of my CRE

Raw footage of my Chat Roulette Experience. I uploaded it onto my LiveVideo account. If you want to see some old web cam videos too heres the url:

The stupid auto play kept on playing when I embedded the video onto my blogsite, so I just decided to link the videos. Enjoy.


Part 1:


Monday, April 26, 2010

My Chat Roullete Experience!

This will be uploaded onto my Facebook in a week or 2. But for my loyal subscribers, you get to see the video first. The raw version of this is still being uploaded it will be available when I decide where to actually upload it.(Theres a bunch of Penis shots in it as its "raw" undediting footage so I don't want to get in trouble on Youtube or here.)

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Added new facebook page./Avatar porn

If you want to be a fan of mine on Facebook now you can by clicking on this link:

or go down to the right side of this page and go from there.

If I take a bunch of pictures I plan on uploading it to that page.

Also I was browsing through my blogsite and found this ad. WTF is this? Avatar porn? hahaha look at it!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

What A FAG! (Runescape)

Not much to add, just found it absolutely ridiculous how some people can level up this much.

Monday, April 12, 2010

Can you Spot the chinese kid?!?!

So this picture was taken in grade 2. I recently added this photo and a bunch of others to facebook, and decided to upload a single picture just for the few hardcore fans that want to see how I looked like when I was younger. Note that I am the only Chinese kid in the class and it was like that, until I got to grade 9, but even then I still preferred to hang out with white people. WHIIITEEE POWER! hahaha enjoy the picture.
Edit: also for the people following my comments, I wrote that I was going to upload a few of my HK blogs because theres no UFC events coming up any time soon, but adsense has been paying off for UFC 112(made almost $100) for that weekend alone. So I'm going to keep pushing out UFC prediction videos earlier. Note: this is only the 2nd time I've made this much in a week. I'm pretty happy about it. Maybe things are changing! Crossing fingers.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tips for Highschool graduates.

Sorry my blogsite followers, I've been really slacking on these blogs, I have a lot of free time right now, but I just haven't been interested in writing a few blogs.

But I guess I'll write about where I am in life at this point. I went to 1 year at a trade school passed, got my paper, worked for a year in that industry and then got laid off as my company shut down. Right now I'm still unemployed and looking for a job and I'm thinking of changing my career paths to a police officer.

So let me give you some advice, for all the people that are in high school. You will probably hear a lot of people ask "So what are you going to do with your life" when your about to reach grade 12. Each time I heard that I just wanted to punch the person in the face for asking such a stupid question. Its different when family asks you, but complete strangers will just randomly ask you that. They don't care, they won't remember and its not witty or makes them look smart by asking such a retarded question just for conversation.

So here are my tips:
1. Don't punch anyone in the face if they ask you dumb questions.(YOUR GOING TO HEAR IT LOTS.)

2. Don't listen to ANYONE'S advice on what you should pursue. Its your life. If you want to take a year off and travel, or become a hooker or sell drugs its up to you. Don't let anyone. Make your own path. Its your life.

3. Think everything over clearly, committing yourself to a 4 year program, its tough. Your still young, but if you go in with enthusiasm then in the 2nd year you realize this isn't for you. Thats a waste of time. Not only that but you wasted 2 years of money.

4. Fairy tale endings, don't always happen. Thats the real world. Everyone hears about people going to college or university, then finding a good job and becoming rich. In the real world, each one of your classmates are gunning for the same job as you, theres 1000's of other colleges in the world. You going to college isn't going to put yourself ahead of any pack so the job hunt is insane. Company's that are hiring, are looking for people with experience in the industry along with the education backrounds, you won't find many entry level positions for whatever you take. In truth a lot of university graduates just end up in the same spot as someone who just went to work right after highschool, as those people climbed up a ladder with promotions.

5. The key thing in school that you should really grasp, is the social factor, go out join teams, clubs and just talk to everyone from different aspects of life. This is very crucial because grades aren't everything. For me I met someone that came from China on a 50k scholarship do you know what that means? China is highly populated so to have won a 50k scholarship that means you have to be the best of the best in school... But anyways they worked for my dad at the restaurant part time, and I have to say. Wow the guy has no common sense(ex.he would put fresh stock in the front and he never rotated the stock, so everything in the back would spoil) and hes very slow with no hand eye coordination(ex. can't handle multiple direction as a kitchen is very fast pace environment and very stressful) and he didn't know how to talk.(ex. When you take someones order you usually do some small talk, but he doesn't know how to do that and usually the customers tell me he was very rude) Its clear that his parent's pushed him really hard to get good grades, but whats that worth if you can't talk and you don't know how to make a good impression. No one will hire you because of grades alone.

6. You will probably change careers a lot in life. Humans get bored very easily. So I suggest working at a lot of different places before you chase after that one dream, so you have a good idea of all the different industries and what their looking for.

Those are my tips, I hope you take what I have said with a grain of salt, if you need to get a piece of paper by all means, all the power to you. But whatever you choose, just be happy with your life and remember, you will always have family and friends that will support your choices and decisions. Money isn't everything.