Saturday, January 31, 2009

Poll results in.

So the Results are in. I am very surprised as were all dinosaurs.....

hahaha short and sweet hahaha.... awww yeahhh.....

On a side note my life has been really busy lately so that's with the shortage of the RS blogs. Haven't really been thinking of ideas for blogs I could write. So that's with the shortage for this month.

It maybe be a sign of the RS blogs coming to a end. That means the plan is, is to convert it over to just my site where I will write about anything. Just a personal blog with the odd RS blog. This will probably disinterest a lot of people. But things change.

I would like to thank all the 162 people that took their time and voted. Till next time.

Happy Chinese New year and got watch GSP vs Penn!
( usaully has streams so you can watch for free and their not bad quality either. Enjoy.

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