Wednesday, March 25, 2009

New post

well if you didn't read my new post on my youtube I wrote something like damn " everyone got laid off except me in my department...." I don't know what to feel.... at first I felt a little bit saddened as I knew in my head I wasn't going to get laid off as I was one of the best workers there if not the best. But My friends that i met in college got me the job that's why I felt saddened, I knew there were going to go and I was going to stick around for a few more weeks.... Deep down inside I really do believe they knew too I was the better worker then them.

Jose who was the "cooler" one of my 2 classmates is what I would classify as a chronic sociailizer. I knew I was better then him from the start of work. But I was thankful for him as he helped me through school as I was good at the paper work side of school but sucked at the hands on stuff,

Russel was my other classmate he really pulled out all the stops for me to get a job there. In school he was probably a 80% student compared to my 65% student(because of my hands on stuff brought my percentage down) but If you ever met me in real life I am probably the most out going person you will ever meet, no matter what walk of life you are from I will listen to you as long as you capture my attention and that's what captured our friendship. I always listened to the guy. Even if he was bragging about his work and how much further he was ahead of me, I made my time to listen to him and I do believe it paid off. He might have made the higher grade in college but who still employed....

I really do owe a sincere thank you to my dad, for how he brought me up. unlike other families my dad was a real hard ass. When I say hard ass I mean hard ass. You wouldn't believe some of the things that went through his head. But at the end of the day he made me the worker that I am today. "Never stop if you stop ask for something to do" that was my dads motto and it stuck to me. Without that I probably would be the first one to be laid off....

These two guys that I was talking about probably worked there about 2 months ahead of me and I caught up to them in yearly pay this month and even beating him by a few hundred.... speaking volumes of how much over time i actually took.

But that's enough of the bragging session. I will be laid off very soon probably within two weeks but this blog was suppose to show you what hard work can pay off.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Look at it drop/Solo merch tip

I didn't check on the diamonds until today. Look at the plummet on today. Crazy. Theres talks in the merch clan im in we might do diamonds again down the road so hold onto your diamonds if your getting them from Randoms.

Also the new item were merching did pretty good today raising over 400gp meaning I made 700k from that raise and once again ill be selling early probably 1.5k till the actual price were suppose to sell, if it goes well I might share the cc or who knows start a clan.

I was also experimenting with the lobsters. H

here's a easy solo merchant if you have a spare box for lobsters buy as many lobsters as you can for 2gp under the medium price then(10k is max for 4 hours) then sell for medium. It takes about 15 mins to buy 10k if its a good day if not it takes about 1 hour then when you resell it goes in about 15mins and sometimes faster. So its a safe solo merchant if you have nothing else to merchant.

Also this works for raw tuna(2gp under medium)
and raw lobsters(5gp under medium, but takes a little longer to get and its currently going down)

hopefully these 3 safe solo merchants will help some of you out if you have spare change hanging around, its not a lot of money but drop by drop it all adds up, If I was members and had 6 boxes you bet I would be making these merchs its basically 100k in less then a hour for doing nothing, their 100% safe if you follow what I say if the price drops and rises just continue doing the same thing.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a clan merchanting can do

Well I sold these prematurly as I got scared that the person in charge of this merchant would be pulling something but this is what I got out of it.

(Day 1 where I just started to buy them)
(Day 5 where I sold, I got sketched out so I sold them at minimum so I only made about 200gp per a diamond, but apparently the clan dumped their diamonds during the afternoon. They told me their diamonds sold so if I sold mine at the medium price I would have made 2mill, but like I said again its just by word that they sold it all. Im happy walked away with like 1mill and some change.)

How much do you make a month in RS

Well the poll is in and this blog isn't about a review of the poll.

After giving away pkercomplete and having that drop party I was looking at varrok and saw people advertising for merchant clans. I decided to join one and experiment with a few million.

But let me explain how merchant clans work first. A group of people control a item that the public want/need so lets say we wanted to buy out a food item (as all the pkers would always want food and thats how the food prices skyrocketed when pvp worlds came out), we buy the food for maximum price and that will change the price overall as the grand exchange is based on how players use the grand exchange. Now I don't want to get greedy and say lets wait until the price doubles, I will be happy with a 5-20gp price change(this will protect us from players that are dumping their items early. So if we bought a lobster 215gp max and then the medium price becomes 220gp. We sell for medium. We will be making 5-20gp per a lobster which is a good chunk of profit for not doing anything.

(1milliongp=5000lobsters(200gpeach) x 5 gp= 25k for doing nothing) Of coarse thats just a example of 1 item and we would start out small profit margin to build trust we could easily make it 50gp price difference and you could just imagine how much money we could make.

So that's the general idea of what a merchanting clan does. Why would you join mine if I started one when there's other clans already out there? That's the question you might ask. Simple, do you trust me? I'm going to answer that for you and just say you do. I did some research and apparently other Youtubers have done this in the past with their subscribers. But they used them. They bought the items in advance and told the subscribers to buy in the ge for max so yes the price went up but whose selling those items? The youtuber who bought in advance and now telling his subscribers to buy for max so he makes money.

How would I do things differently. Well I can use blogtv as the thing that can prove that I didn't buy items in advance as you can see my bank, my grand exchange etc. So if the item were merching does fall through. We all lose and not just me gain money. Theres over 109 people that claim to make over 20m a month. So you can just imagine how much of the market of a item we could control. That's not even including the people if I made a video on YoTube talking about this.

So in a point form here's why I think this could work
-I'm trustworthy, if you don't think I am you wouldn't be at this site in the first place as you would think there might be some sorta trojan or other junk.... I would not have has any drop party's at all if I was tring to pull something on you.

-I can use Blog TV as a form of evidence to show you my bank and items in the ge to prove that I didn't just buy stuff in advance to pawn them off to you. So you can be assured im not scamming you.

-Theres already 100+ people in here that claim their bank is worth more then 20mill, so you can imagine how much money we can all put in and control a item. Thats not even including the 228 other people that voted in my poll, It really doesn't matter how much money you have if you put in money you will make money.

-The items we would be merching would be items in high demand. Certain logs, food, runes, armour etc. No one way items ie: my famous air tallys. So if the merch does somehow falls through we will get bailed out by other general players. But I'm really leaning towards food items as if you read some of the RS updates they are planning on releasing more pvp updates, I'm guessing summer when everyone gets off and has nothing to do, Jagex is not stupid they know everyone loves their player vs player games, thats why everyone spazzed out when the wild went out.

-If you have ever been in my CC or looked at my friends list. I don't rank people, I don't add people, theres no secret base of friends I have that I will help out and tell them "hey you should buy "X" item cause im gonna get by subscribers to bail u out.

But the bottom line of this clan that will make it work is trust. Is trust there? Leave me a comment right now its just talk, this might not even go through. I'll even make a new poll asking you if your interested. YES or NO.

Friday, March 13, 2009

Officially changed my password

Well today I did one last pk trip on pkercomplete, and died horribly lol, but still im going to miss that account. I took of the pin to my bank and changed my password to something else. all thats waiting for is the new owner to log in.

Yup just thought I would like to share that with you. Also to tell you the truth I had fun making a day by day blog with a goal. Maybe I have another account that I can bring up with similar stats..... haha you never know what I can whip up...

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lyota Machida gets title shot

My guy Lyota "The Dragon" Machida gets his long deserved title shot at UFC 98!

He will be fighting the current light heavyweight champ Rashad "Sugar" Evans. Evans was suppose to fight Rampage but Rampage wanted to take time off since he just fought Jardine.

This put Machida up for the title shot and im pumped. The fight is scheduled on May 23.

Drawing numbers(will be deleted in 5days)

So heres your drawing numbers and this video will be deleted in 5 days time to keep the username's hush hush... The reason why I didn't just write it out is that people can just copy and paste it down somewhere, this way that have to at least put in some effort in doing that so it might prevent them.

The video that corresponds with this will be up later today... Also see you at the drop party. Which will be on a french or german server at 5pm mountain time.

I didn't even specify my time zone in the video because if you watched my videos enough you would know im from Calgary. Also if you don't know that you all know I turn on my pm to on. when I'm online. Yup.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

lol I jsut had a awesome laugh...

lol I jsut had a awesome laugh and wan't to share it with you guys.

If you didn't know a friend has moved in with me since the bagman left because he is a quitter. Anyways this new white boy planned on going to Kimberley(which is where I grew up and my dad is there) he told me he could go pick up my t4 for me. So I said thanks then I had a brillant idea of giving my dad a note. The not reads:

I love you: Tom

the funny part is im pissed off at my dad and haven't talked to him in 8 months so thats what made it funny and my family has never been the real close in the "love" department. So hahaha thats what it made it funny. I wish I could see my dads face. hahaha it was a good laugh.... It was a good one.

I don't know you would have to meet my dad to know how akward the note really is. hahaha

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Probably will still be up for a few days

This is a UFC 96 replay that I found on justin tv and it will probably still continue to replaying for a few more days so enjoy.

Watch live video from UFC 96 REPLAY IN HD now on

Saturday, March 7, 2009

My UFC 96 recap.

Well for starters the overall card for this ppv was lackluster in star power. Other then the main event the fight card had nothing, the bar proved my point as it was half filled compared to the last fight with Penn vs GSP, where the bar was completely full. My friend even complained that this UFC sucked, as there were to many KO's. I love the Knock outs like any other guy but if more then 3/4 of the card goes to a KO that's just boring and takes aways the uniqueness/specialness of the Ko if you will....

Anyways the 2 fights I put money on. I lost.... Which just made my night horrible I felt my stomach turn inside out. The fights in my opinion they were both going evenly and then a freak knock out happens. Munoz got knocked out with a vicious high kick from Hamil and gonzaga got knocked out by carwin in the first round. The Carwin fight I could see coming as it happened in the first round but the Munoz knock out was just huh? What happened????

The one time I bet on a fellow Asian I get boned in the ass like no tomorrow.... makes me angry.... but I give any props to anyone that steps into the octagon or ring. They gave it their best and that's all we ask for as fans. But still I think Munoz should have done better with his credentials that back him up. I'm a sore loser in real life any anyone that has played against me will tell you that, my competitiveness is really up there. Which at times makes me extremely cocky. I know my written blogs about UFC fights are one sided towards my fighters but that's the fact I actually do think my fighter going into the fight has the advantage.

Well overall the whole televised show of the UFC I got 2 fights right out of whoever knows....
I hope next fight card will be better with star power and with me winning :) until then thanks for reading and hoped my blogs killed some of your time.

Friday, March 6, 2009

UFC 96

This ppv is a lackluster card in my opinion. I was more excited for UFC95 because that card was free, all this ppv has is the main event Jackson vs Jardine. I'm a mark for Jackson so basically UFC is slapping UFC on this card and selling it which sucks and is good at the same time as it will help fans see UFC is not the best thing in the world and theres other organizations out there that do better shows like Dream, Afflicion etc.

But anyways lets go to the fights I'll be bidding on. Unlike the last fights I have bet on, these fights are pretty much a coin toss it could go either way.

But basically my co-workers are catching onto me and they know I study up on my fighters before I bet so I picked 2 fights where I believe its a coin toss. Here they are.

Matt Hamill Vs. Mark Munoz
This fight pits 2 amateur wrestlers together both of them have won awards in college but Munoz has better credentials he became California state champion 2times. So you could just see how much better of a wrestling advantage he has. But credentials aren't everything in MMA as you have to factor in strikes and kicks. For me I see this. If the fight goes to the ground, the better wrestler controls the fight. That's Munoz. Standing up it pits Hamill's boxing against Munoz Muay Thai. For me I've always thought Muay Thai fighters have better defense against a another striker as their kicks have the reach advantage. So I see Hamill getting frustrated against the kicks and he will shoot in for a take down, he will get stuffed as Munoz is the better wrestler on paper, Then Munoz will win the first round. During the second round is where Hamill will gas out as hes proven in the past hes not the most well conditioned fighter. Basically it will end with Munoz pounding out Hamill in the second.
Also he is Asian and every time I've bet against the Asian I have lost, so not this time.

Gabriel Gonzaga Vs. Shane Carwin
This fight pits 2 heavyweights in the heavyweight division, whoever wins this fight, gets a title shot in the future. In this fight I have gonzaga as he is the more complete fighter with him being a submission specialist. A lot of people have said he is the biggest threat against the current UFC heavyweight champ Brock Lesnar, as Gonzaga is a big man with a complete arsenal. But don't count Carwin out as he also has a lot of credentials. One being his size and power but his size is what made me not want to put my money on his, as I think he will gas out if the fight goes the distance. Standing up both of them have KO power so it will be dead even I might even give a slight advantage to carwin because he has reach and i think most of his fights end in a KO but he has never made it out of the first round.... On the ground if carwin is on top, I think Gonzaga will get smothered and won't be able to pull anything. But if Gonzaga is on top he has strikes and also a ton of submissions to work with. But I like Gonzaga's chances as he more experience against tough opponents compared to Carwins "undefeated career" he has fought nobodies in his 10 fights. So the fight will go 2 ways Carwin will win in the first round or he will win in a close decision if he has gas in the second round. Gonzaga has the same chances in the first round depends if gonzaga is cautious or not if he gets sloppy he will get koed but if he get survive the second round I see a submission in store if not a close decision.

Watch UFC 96 for free at

Have a good one

A small glimpse of what I'll be dropping

Well heres a screenie.