Sunday, April 26, 2009

"tag-along" drivers

Haven't posted anything on here in a long time, because nothing interesting in Runescape has happened and nothing interesting in real life has happened as its basically goto work come home sleep. So ill just write a blog about "tag-along" drivers.

Who is this "tag-along" driver? This is the braniac that follows the very slow moving traffic through an intersection, only to get stuck in the middle when his light turns red. Smooth one, buddy, now the traffic trying to go the other direction can't. But, hey, they get a nice, long chance to admire the side of your car... and how they'd love to drive a sledge hammer through it!

Yes, you're an idiot.

Now, for your information, when the traffic is going that slow here's what you are supposed to do. First, if it looks like the traffic is stopping on the other side of the intersection, STOP.

But my light is green!!! Its my right!!!

I have news for you. All you have to do is wait. If the cars ahead move far enough, presto! Now you can go! When you learn to drive they teach you, you never block a interesection. What if a emergency vehicle comes?

I was thinking about all these dumb driver posts and I've come up with the cure (unfortunately, this cure has to be applied by the dumb driver himself, so may not be very effective for the rest of us). Here it is, in a nice step by step format:

1. You are NOT the only driver on the road (repeat this phrase over and over in your head until it sinks in) .
2. A little courtesy goes a looooooong way (give the other guy a break).
3. 98% of the time, your hurry is no more important than the other guys. We've all got places to be.
4. Its a chain reaction. What you do (most importantly during rush hour) exponentially affects the drivers behind you. If you slam on your brakes, the guy behind you has to hit his even harder, and the guy behind him harder yet... and so on.

There you go. I'll get off my soapbox now (until next time, anyways).

Sunday, April 12, 2009

We have a winner

the first person to guess correctly and send me a youtube private message on my account "MrISIBsupporter" is "xdeirdax" they have won a banner on my channel for 2 weeks. Also I will upload a video of theirs on my auto play. Wicked. So if you didnt figure it out. The new account name is "Completepker" im planning on making him a tank with high defense and str and range. Not to sure what the stats are going to look like in the end but im going to keep his attack at 50 right now.

On a interesting note I started with 10k on the account(because I had made the account a long time ago but it just didnt go anywhere) and now I have just over 500k in gp and full rune and a skimaaaa tar. Not to bad for using the grand exchange for merchanting my lobs and tunas. I have also found a auto clicker but its hard to set it up. Im hoping to get some pretty good stats on him in a couple of months.

Until then look out for some more blogs that may or may not be coming depends if anything comes to my mind because im lazy latly.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Man I've been behind.

Sorry gang(I mean the 2 people that actually visits the site, haha) I don't know what happened just haven't been really involved with anything online lately. Just been busy playing basketball and what not.

Anyways this blog is about advertising. heres what you do. All you have to do is guess my new pkers name on Runescape(yes Im making a new one, this one its either a giveaway account or maybe a auction and that money will go towards a prize that will be for a irl prize draw, but of coarse ill take some money lol).

If you guess it you will have my youtubes channel banner for 2 weeks, you can put anything on it aslong as its not breaking any of youtubes rules(IE: no nudity, hate speech etc.)

Now just to give me a few more blogs to write I will write down more clues as the days go on and eventually the clues will get you closer to the username. If you think you know what it is just pm me on "MrISIBsupporter" on youtube as that inbox doesnt get cluttered as much.

Day1)I have only 3 stats at the moment that are in the highscores on Runescape, strength being the highest followed by hitpoints then defence.
Day2)The amount of characters in my name are 12.

goodluck guessing and remember more clues will be coming to make it easier, I will be very impressed if someone can guess it first try!