Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am a asshole sometimes on youtube

Every since I made the YouTube partner videos to give people tips on how to become one I received over a dozen saying "Shout me out..." do this do that. The whole point of the videos I made are so you don't have to rely on anyone else.

If your videos are good, people will continue watching. My shout outs don't mean anything if you don't have good videos. If you have good videos you won't need anyone to help you. I started on YouTube without anyone helping me. I only became a partner about a half a year ago if that. All that time I did not get discouraged and I kept on making my videos.

My videos are not the best on YouTube, I'm the first to admit that. But what I have that others don't is I attract a very large audience with the variety of my videos. In all my videos I try to throw in something memorable something funny to get that person to give me their subscription.

YouTube for me from the start was just making videos, It was never about subscriptions, views, ratings that's what I think a lot of these people that Private message me are lacking. They don't have the right mind set to even start on YouTube.

Let me tell you what you get for money being a YouTube partner won't pay your bills. It will buy a cheese burger once a week. The amount of time I've put in making videos and blogs their my own time. Do I regret it? No because I love doing it.

I'm writing this blog because I got this Private message on YouTube:
"hey i love runescape, at least i use to, until some scammer and hacker took all my stuff. then i quit, but im still helping out my lil cousin. anywayz, i really really really wanna be a partner. i have enough views, but people don't seem to be subscribing to me. can you please just tell people to subscribe to me or something? plz?"

I replied back by saying:
"delete all your videos, if you didn't know google owns YouTube. Google does not like lying.

Their whole public figure is their the good guys. some of your videos have more views then mine. It doesn't take much to figure out your view manipulating. Read the guide lines that YouTube has written and follow it.

If you have the views the subscribers will follow."

Its harsh but don't take short cuts around YouTube its not going to make you a partner any faster.


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