Sunday, December 21, 2008

Need topics.

Well I was thinking of how other sites that are dedicated to Runescape could go for so long. Compared to mine. The difference is their fan sites that give quest help and other things of that nature.

While my site is more of my personal experiences and what I faced and how I played. There's only so much I can write about. So the question is what do you guys and gals have to ask? If I find it interesting ill use it.

If not don't be surprised in a new direction for the site. Which would be more personal where ill write about my upcoming videos, and just more in depth look of the person making the videos.

Blogs like this:
For those that don't know MrISIB is a character which is a exaggerated cocky version of me in real life. When a cameras on me I act differently and tend to want to capture the audiences attention. This is why when I was going on Blog tv lots of people asked me to co-host and I accepted. But after a few shows. I noticed I stole their audience completely they don't get a word in when im co-hosting....

So the question is, do you have topic for me? Remember it has to do with something in the past. If you ask me about summoning, my answer will be pikachu what? If you ask me about farming, ill say pot is a plant. If you ask me about hunter, ill say i killed a deer once and ran over a squirrel. You get the point.


Anonymous said...

Hello again Thomas,

Regarding my last question about a few months ago. You didn't answer my question!

I said something along the lines of "Why did you come to RuneScape, how did you stumble across the website!?".

Not a long story about Pking a green mask XD! Even though it was entertainng I suppose :P!

I'll keep tuned =.=

~Miss Runite~

Anonymous said...

Also, what is your favourite plant :P?

Anonymous said...

Miss runite you keep going on and on all the time lol i swear your like my mom

Anonymous said...

Can I not show interest -_-?

Anonymous said...

Thomas, You might wana talk about if you ever were a begger in rs like when you were a low lvl?

