Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Bring back the noob days.

Bring back the noob days.

Well for those that have read some of my older blogs on this site. You would have a general idea of what I did to get my stats and my bank to where it is today. Today we dwelve back into the time machine and take a look back when I would consider myself a noob.

It goes back all the way when I first got scammed a brief recap of what happened:

I was about lvl 30-40 and was in Varrok when I heard someone saying "Join my clan you will get a free gift!" I was so stoked on that as I was a poor poor guy. My bank consisted of sardines and junk armour that even a lvl 3 noob wouldn't want. Anyhow I decided lets join this clan. As promised I got a mithril long sword which was frigging amazing. Also a full set of steel armour. He then told me at this point all I had to do was register on his site to become a offical member of this new clan.

Being the noob I was I entered my Runescape password onto this site. He then logged onto my account and raped me of my precious sardines and put "haha you dumb noob" in my friends list.

This made me sad yet evil. Because while I was thinking of all my hard fished sardines I was also plotting for revenge on other unfortunate people. So ladies and gentlemen a little chapter that I have never shared.

MrISIB scams

How did I scam people you ask?

Well I did 3 things and it worked but to today's standards it would not work.

1) made a basic and by basic i mean basic website on yahoo. It was called "Runescape helper" basically the site was the cheapest looking thing ever and anyone today would laugh at how bad it is. I wish I had the link still but its gone. But the site promised "Millions and Millions of gp" all you needed to do was send your user name and password to a set email.

I think the most I got out of it was a few r2h and a couple of mithril plates.

2) Back in the old Runescape days you could change your password in game. So I added random people and told them I found a cheat. Again by today's standard it would just be ignored but I actually got a lot of people by doing this one.

After I added them I would tell them the big secret on how to duplicate any time. I would tell them to walk to varrok west bank goto the bottom of the stairs and type in "item duplicate" then I told them walk to the other bank and type in the item they wanted to get duplicated "X-item" then I told them goto varrok square and type in the amount they wanted "###" then I would say all you had to do was change your password to enter and then press alt f4.

amazing that I got a lot of people by doing this. This one I had lots of r2hs and rune sets probably 10 in total.

3)One of my favorite as it was pretty much having someone work for me for nothing. I made a pure fishing account that had above 50 fishing. I went to varrok and advertised I was quitting and gave away my account.

The unsuspecting person would log in and take a look at my bank and stats. The bank had everything to catch fish and money to take the boat to karajama. I then logged onto my other account and asked "hey buddy you got any certs to sell?" They would then proceed to either play along or say they are not the owner.

Either way I would say "oh really, I need them badly ill pay 2k per a cert"(certs were 5 lobsters and lobster prices were 200gp back then) The person would jump on the opportunity so fast as it was easy cash. I told them I needed about 10-15k certs. They would then fish for me on that account.or transfer money or the certs itself onto the account.

If they logged out and in I knew they dropped traded. If they stay logged on I know their fishing. Whatever I did they played my hand and I would have changed the recoveries at this point.

I probably made a large amount of money off this but I have no idea what that total is.

Those were the noob days. I don't lie when I say I've done everything in Runescape, been scammed have scammed. been poor been rich.

Thats my little story. Watch out I might scam you! (that's a joke btw.... or is it? Whats your password?)

p.s. but seriously I don't scam anymore. Theres really no point for me to do so. I got tons of money 2 good accounts. and trade limit is now in place, plus why would I share this if I was going to try and scam you, its reverse psychology.


Anonymous said...

Another good scam that worked a lot was the trick where you put up 1,111,111 gp then quickly change it to 1,111. The good ol' days. :p

Anonymous said...

yeah to add on to what that other guy just said, i would buy items worth 1m gp (such as halloween masks, trimmed armor, 1k mages and all that good stuff). I switched the 1000k gp to 10004gp. Since this wasn't a suspicious deal or anything, usually no one would check to see if i actually paid the 1m in the trade screens.

I only did this for a week or so, whenever someone declined the trade i felt like i just died a little. funny thing is, is that ive never gotten a warning, blackmark, ban or anything. In the day i was always nervous as hell doing it, now looking back, i couldn't care less had i been permabanned, not caught, or anything really.

Goldude said...

haha i remember my brother gettin scammed by that trick, he was selling his red mask for 1m, the guy was offering 1m + full black g, so full black g was extra. He got scammed when he found out it changed to 100k :P.
Good old days. When alot of F2ps has rares. I remember my first rare was in Rs2 beta, sold my full rune for a red mask, at the time i thought rares were stupid since they didnt do anything. I only did this trade cause i new it was a beta and i would get my rune back after it was over.
I later went on to buy a red mask for 15m, a set, santa... and eventually a yellow for 185m :S.

Anyways thanks for sharing that with us Thomas.


Anonymous said...


me and my mate chad would always scam back then.

good days :)

no more though. :)


MrISIB said...

haha you guys took this blog pretty well im surpised no one said "omg you noob, I hate you now"

Anonymous said...

u fuc face i fucking own u anyday im reporting ur stupid yellow ass

go eat some rice cakes u chinc

fag, wannabe kev jumba, u suck at snowboarding, fuc this last straw, i hope u go masterbate to math problems!