Saturday, January 10, 2009

The new video is up

its like inspired by my blog that I wrote. Yup.... thats it...

Btw the shirt im wearing is my companys shirt as I just got off work and did a quick video. It was overtime on saturday. 8 hours awwwww yeahhhh..........


Anonymous said...

stupid chinc

go fuck ur tiny penis into ur mom

u single fuck facer

Anonymous said...

Lol good video Thomas,

Miss Runite \o/

Anonymous said...

wow... maan hater... btw that was 2 the 12 year old flamer. most of the time while im watching your vids i find myself LMFAO. but this one was like a flashback in time. the good days of RS. gl on remaking some of your RS vids. this is getting long. end result very good vid.

Anonymous said...

no im no flamer its the truth

asians = tiny penis

asians = chinc

he no gf = stupid

no gf= =wants to fuck mom

no gf = single