Saturday, June 20, 2009


So apparently someone got into my youtube account "MrISIB" and they changed my password, thats fine I can still get into the account through other ways as its connected through other usernames. But now they changed the email address. So basically until google gets off their ass this person has full power of my account. HE already tried uploading 2 videos. One was about RS and the other one was about a steam chat.

Theres no way to contact google. So im deciding what to do now, you would think they would have someone working there smart enough to counter this problem but nope. Right on.


Anonymous said...

I'm kinda confused about this situation, it says on your channel that you commented on the video, and some kid named Blake is saving you or something.

but im just really confused, i wish i could help (like most of your subscribers) but oh well

im4everskilled said...

Crap thats awful :s
hope you get your account back man.
I've been a subscriber for a very long time, and your videos are great :D
And YOU are my favorite asian on youtube, since you play Runescape.
And you're canadian.
and you're not Kamsa T.