Friday, January 15, 2010


So I recived a comment on my T-shirt blog and got this comment, I just wanted to reply here so he can see it. AnonymousAs I know myself its really hard to find comments on blogger, eventually I will find something better.

Benz499 said...
Hey MrISIB, I would probably buy one if you made one :)

Also, I have a question to ask you, I have no idea if you will reply or not, but here it is anyway.

How does it feel to be subscribed to by such a popular runescaper, Gross Gore?

Yeah, that was kind of a stupid question but I was on Gross's page and looked at his subscription box and saw "MrISIB" and I thought WOW thats pretty darn cool.

Hey Benz,

First off Thanks for leaving me feed back it means a lot. As for your question on how does it feel. To tell you the truth I don't feel anything. A subscriber is a subscriber at the end of the day so someone with a lot of subscribers himself does not make me feel any different then someone with no subscribers, its the support the matters, if someone likes my videos and decides to subscribe. Awesome. More support my way. I hope that answered your question.

Thomas "MrISIB" Wong


Benz499 said...

Cool, thanks for the reply, lol I probably check your blog like 4 times every time I'm online to see if you've posted any new things.

If you don't mind could I ask why you deleted all of your old videos? I really liked to go back and watch them when I was bored and stuff, you really entertained me. Now, there is only videos I've already seen and stuff, but you know, it's all good. Like pooping in a fishnet... yeah.

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BananasHaveBalls said...

"A Subscriber is a subscriber by the end of the day" That maybe so, but come on you've got to admit - if someone like Kevjumba or TimothyDeLaGhetto subscribed to you you would be pretty shocked right?