Friday, December 26, 2008

All my Runescape videos Deleted.

Its no joke, this is what happened:

On Christmas which is December 25. I did a live show on blog tv. about a hour and half into the show I read someones comment "Dude your bank video is deleted" I went straight to my youtube and found out this was not a lie. I then proceeded to my email and found out it got flagged for copyright. Jagex told Youtube to pull down my video. It is Jagex's right to do so, I'm not going to cry over spilt milk.

Since it was Christmas I didn't want to turn my mood into a bad one. So I just did the safest thing to protect my youtube account. I deleted all my Runescape videos. It actually didn't hurt to delete them except one. That was my Original RS bank. With over 500k views, that's the video that got me most of my subscribers without that video Today I probably would only have about 500 if that.

So the plan is. No more In game Runescape videos on my account MrISIB on youtube. Most likely I will open up another account or I will just upload it on and then just upload it onto this site exclusively. Its still in the air.

To the haters that flagged my video expect a video talking about this in a few days. But thats it. Don't want togo into much detail about quite yet.

Thank you and hope you guys and gals had a awesome christmas. Happy 2009 to you too.


Anonymous said...

Wow..that sucks. People had nothing better to do on Christmas than to flag your video for copywright? Sad...:(

Anonymous said...

Wow that's fucking gay

Anonymous said...

Wow what the fuck !!!!!! i cant believe it got deleted what about defil3d and video makers like them Jagex hates asians ! only explanation thats so fucking gay