Thursday, December 4, 2008

Drop Party invitation

Its the month of Decemer and usaully this time around the year people become nicer and better people.

I was thinking what I could do. The only thing I could think of it another drop party! Your invited. It will be held on a german server so less people will come. The date is probably going to be on the 20th but it might change depends if any plans come off in real life.
The amount that I will be dropping is 25 rune sets which is 100 items (Plate,Legs,helmet,kite) So theres a good chance everyones going to get something so look forward to it.

Expect a video about this in the near future for the final date and to tell the other people that don't even know about the site about the drop party.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I've been coming to your blog since near its release, so im glad theres another benefit of visiting here. sounds exciting.