Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Special probably

if it happens Live show tomorrow blog tv. so my blog tv link is

Ummm the plan is tomorrow wake up, go have dim sum with the family, then the sky is the limit because my family doesn't celebrate Christmas. So I will have a lot of free time.....

Sadly I miss work already. So I think im going to do a blog tv special the only way I won't make it is I get aids or there's actually something planned I don't know.... But probably not cause everything is closed! Booooo!

So im thinking if I am doing the live show its going to be around 3-7 start then I will do it until I get bored or run out of saliva so like save some questions and hopefully I will see you all there. (You can just subscribe to my blog tv account and you will get a notification in your email saying im live) But of coarse ill put up warning video thing on youtube saying im live.

Anyways happy merry Christmas.

did the live show at 8, a hour late :( my uncle just had to stay for 3 movies. Sorry to anyone that wanted to see it and missed it. I only did about 1/30min show because I found out one of my videos got pulled (Updated bank) So I had to delete all my In game Runescape videos. ITs a kick in the pants, but don't worry if im making more videos its all going to be on here.


Anonymous said...

Miss Runite here,

Your late :P

Anonymous said...

toastmidget1 here

Miss Runite and I r getting bored in here alone lol

MrISIB said...

ill be on at 8ish my uncle wont leave because I showed him a movie site that has all the latest movies...... we watched hulk, hancock and now resident eveil

MrISIB said...

(which is about 1 2 min from now

Anonymous said...


toastmidget1 here again

AKA: fishcakes

thanks for the co-host man it was fun, appreciate it ^^

hit me up on RS whenver ur on

IGN: toastmidget1

Anonymous said...

Damn i missed it

Anonymous said...

:( Me missed it, was almost 3am here and stiff no show up!

Shame really ;[

~Miss Runite~