Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is your Combat Poll Results:

What is your Combat Poll Results:

The last blog of the year of 2008 and it ends with a bang. This poll had a total of 408 votes. That is something else. I wan't to thank everyone that found my site and took the time to look around and voted. I'm a very curious guy and I always wondered what lvl are the people that watch my videos. Now I have a general idea.

I was shocked by the results though, lets start backwards because thats why im shocked 116 people voted for their combat being 112+. I didn't belive it. I didn't even think high lvls watched my videos. Cause my videos are all nooby. I mean one time I ran around Runescape and visited Fist of Guthix and Bounty Hunter and got a nooby kill. Thats pretty nooby in my books I know it doesn't make much sense, but I was thinking the majority was going to be 71-80 and 81-90 thats why I stopped at 112+ combat.

I was dead wrong. Then pretty much the poll climbs down with each lvl down leaving lvl 21-30 being the lowest with the fewest amount of votes.
Personally for those that don't know my main accounts on Runescape are Mr T Wong which is my main at combat lvl 116 and he has all my rares and hes my skiller. Hes the man because hes bald. Then my second account is Pkercomplete. Which is my highest lvl Pker I have ever made. I like to call him a maxed Rune pure cause hes f2p, just to share a little something some people that might want to know a random fact about him. He doesn't have ancients magic.

The quest Desert Treasure came out when I already quit members as I just got bored. So basically if you were to do the quests now he would have like 50 def :( hahaha and like 60 prayer hahaha awww that accounts basically ruined. Thats another reason why I don't really see a reason on keeping him. I never had success on him either for straight pking. Only dueling.....

But one mans garbage is another mans treasure.

Thanks for the votes and Check out the new Poll.


Redxdragon44 said...

lol dude doin dt dont get ur def up thats how all da 1 def ppl got it >_<

Anonymous said...

I think it's fake though. I remember your drop party, and excluding you, I don't remember seeing more than three 100+. I think it's just because it's anonymous, and its like pures saying their mains are completely maxed out.

I don't even seeing the point in lying about a level.

Anonymous said...

id definitely be my most prized treasure :)


Anonymous said...

Dude, Pkercomplete would be all but "messed up" May i STRONGLY recommend looking up "T_h_e_do0rs" pk videos. He was 50 defence 56 prayer and the best rune pure out there. Pkercomplete was one of my insperations on becoming a rune pure myself, and now i'm maxed out. Please dont quit the account
:( if anything, use it more...

-R3d D347h