Friday, November 7, 2008

Defense lvl

With all the feedback I gotten from the last video with me ranting on for 17 mins. I decided I was going to leave pker's def lvl alone for now. Not even play on him. Im just going to go visit my good ole main. Im going to raise his combat stats. I recently lvl'ed a defense lvl on him.
(You can click to see a larger picture)

Im going to make him a tank. By tank I mean defense noob. Hoooray.



Goldude said...

You mean deffence pro?
Yea it allways used to piss me off when i was a noob cause people called you a noob at something you were good at for example good deffence would make you a def noob or another example would be prayer.
But what ever we all say it =P.
What do you do when u get pissed off at someone in runescape? you called em a noob. Good on ya def noob ur over half way to 99.


Anonymous said...

Wow! 95 Defence! Now only if my Fishing was that high!You cease to amaze me!
CappucinoBomb A.K.A Jensen
Your Biggest Fan!