Monday, November 17, 2008

I made a few changes on the site/new video

Well since im not a webmaster, even though I think I should have some backround information on it. I don't. So basically im using the templates that blogger gives us.

I changed a few colours. Not much though it still sucks.

Also changed my banner.

Thats my hardcore make over. hahahahaha yeah...... btw my new video on me teaching you how to save money is up check it!

This video I actually put a bit more effort in the usaul. Theres several cut scenes to move the audiences eyes, I actually wrote up a mini script. But I still made up stuff on the go. Is it called ablibing? I forgot what the word is for making shit up right on the spot is. I thought it turned out pretty good. It gave me a few laughs. But when you see your own work you tend to look blind. Your imput is really appreciated.

So basically what im asking is someone should make me a better site! hahahaha


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha!That was hilarious! "Don't be perverted on me.."You're a genius.
CappucinoBomb A.K.A Jensen.

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