Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why do people enjoy RSMV's?

I was looking around on youtube for some video ideas about Runescape and did you know what I found? Nothing except RSMV's (Runescape music videos). I have never quite understand what made them so popular.

Can someone please explain this to me. In real life, people do lip syncs because its funny. Your adding a human flavor to it. But a game? How does it become funny? Its a game. Why listen and watch a game with the music, instead you can watch the real thing.

I don't understand. Who came up with it? Its pretty retarded... "hmmmm today I'm gonna make a Runescape music video..." I cant even imagine how the people came up with the idea but apparently it went over really good and a lot of people enjoy RSMV's. But not me I watched a few.

Some of them got really serious with songs that would not fit with Runescape. I mean they went hardcore with the video effects. It was like lord of the rings.... It was like pretty impressive for what it was but still why watch it when you can watch the real thing? Its only impressive because you can actually see how much effort they put in. But its not really entertaining. Or am I missing something?

You should leave a message if you read this, even though this whole blog has horrible run on sentences and bad grammar. But I just typed what came into my head.

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Anonymous said...

I don't see why they're so popular to, but add music and some pictures and you have gold! It would be nice to make on though, just for the ratings and/or views.

This is CappucinoBomb
A.K.A Jensen.

Anonymous said...

When someone makes a video of a character ingame, in bea with an actual song you know and it is in time sync, it becomes watchable?

I don't know really, I find them annoying.

~Miss Runite~