Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Found this interesting.

This might come off a bit cocky. But I just wanted to share how popular my bank video has become.

Heres the video if you haven't seen it.

Did you know that this video right now has over 499k views!?! Thats like half a million hits. Thats insane if I got a penny for every view I got I would be like.... A midget eating pop rocks. I would goto a mall and yell out pennies for everyone! But thats not the only thing that made me surpised. I got curious how my video stacked up against other people's bank videos and thats where my jaw dropped.

If you goto youtube and type in "Runescape bank" and select "view count" in the search options. Mine comes out 8th most viewed of all time. Thats friggin crazy as theres so many bank videos out there and to get that many views, is unbeliveable. Out of those 8, mine is the only one with commentary, it really shows that I was one of the first to make commentary for a RS vid if not the first.

The videos commentary was me in a p'd off mode also. Im surpised it got 4/5star rating. I basically talk about nonsense of getting banned. Most of the people commenting are saying it sucks your Runecape account got banned.... When I was talking about my youtube account "illsendinthebails" got banned. hahaha anyways Thanks for reading expect a video up sometime this week maybe today. See if I get around too it.


Edit:I received a comment saying "miniaclepinoy420" got his bank video up before me. My current bank video dates March 15,2007 his dates November 17th ,2006

I had another youtube account before I got banned on youtube. So you can do some guessing and figure out when I posted mine. I got to tell you though it would have been around the same time as his if not before.


Goldude said...

Ohhh i remember watching this video waaaay back.
Yea its pretty cool dude and i rekon you were like the first person to make a commentary. What can i say people were just rare crazy back then and the bank value was quite something...
Now it seems like rares arent just what they used to be.
I quit runscape around about the time when they took out pking, staking and no limit trade...
Pisses me off cause after all that time i finally managed to buy a yellow phat at peak price (184m) and now look what happened.
Juts pisses me off how jagex can just take away something so big from u no seconds. So to make sure i dont make the same mistake and waste y life again, i quit.
Sorry about this long rant ill wrap it up by saying, your vidoes r awsome, you rock and ill be lookin ou for new vids.
Peace bro.

Anonymous said...

miniaclepinoy420 was the first to do a commentary you can check it out and look at the date it was added it was 2006

MrISIB said...

Keep in mind I also had another youtube account before this current youtube account.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah you also had that old bank commentary bank video

Anonymous said...

Haha!Sorry,It's CappucinoBomb again!
A.K.A Jensen.
I asked if you could show me a Bank Video and I guess I never noticed this!How silly am I?Oh well.
Amazing Display of items, friend!