Saturday, November 1, 2008

Ouch just price checked my bank...

So last time I checked my bank was worth about 1.1bill I checked today and it kinda made me just say ouch. 970mill. hahaha thats hilarious. I wonder if it will drop to 900mill. Haha that would make my day like a cup of coffee. Who would have guessed Rares taking that big of a hit. Sometimes I wish we could predict what items do. I remember one time me selling a santa and making 500k profit which was huge back then. I thought I did pretty good that day. I tried buying another santa later but they just don't sell it was like people were hording them and the prices jumped and I would have made 2 million haha that was awesome. And this is a awesome run on paragraph. I think im gonna end it now.


Edit: haha I love how random my blogs are sometimes their like 3 sentences, other times you need to scroll down 5 mins to get to the end hahaha! Today is a hilarious day. Btw my friend from college might be hooking me up with a job in the aircraft industry as I missed the college this year for another coarse I wanted. I don't want to put all my beans in a bowl yet and do the cop thing I decided I should try this aircraft thing first. So dropping my resume off Monday. Cross your fingers for me guys/gals hopefully this job won't be a bitch. But $17/hr im happy with that, apparently theres a bunch of O/T too so time and a half!

Don't worry though if I get the job the videos and blogs will always be coming. After my half a month break I feel refreashed and im Ready to make another 100 videos.

Happy late halloween everyone and hopefully you did't rot your teeth out! I would have trick or treated this year, but none of my friends thought it would be fun to go out! hahahah so I just want to walmart and spent $30 on candy!!!! haha its half price!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey!This is CappucinoBomb
A.K.A Jensen.
I commented on your "My Thoughts on Pvp" Video!
You raise a great point.
I don't like the fact that someone can hit you then run into the back and repeat.
I'm a huge fan of your videos, And I'd like to talk more about this.
But before I go (Which I really should be going, I don't want to bore you) Can you make a Bank Video?I mean 900m!Holy Batman!It'd be great if you could.
