Monday, November 24, 2008

Pkercomplete and his future

Pkercomplete and his future:
No this is not a blog talking about his defense lvl and asking everyone should I "raise or keep his defence".

This blog is dead serious. No Rick Rolls here. I'm talking about Pkercomplete's owner. I've gotten to the stage in the game of Runescape where I've done it all.

-Made millions and even breaking a billion
-Making a awesome dueler account that turned into my main pking account
-Got my favorite non combat skill to 99, fishing

My whole Runescape career for me was to own a billion gp that was my goal, I say in a few of my previous videos, "Pking is Runescape..." but for me that was 2nd. First was money. From the very start of Runescape starting with my friends in real life. I always wanted to be the one with money. While they were fighting goblins I was busy fly fishing. Later on they were fighting in wild and I traded in my rod for lobster cage. I finally saved up for my first santa hat and I wanted more. My goal was to reach a billion/own a cracker. I did it.

The moment I clicked the accept button for my cracker trade. Was the moment a big passion of the game died for me. I did it. I actually bought the cracker. That's why few weeks/months later I talk a long hiatus break and that's when pking was taken out. I didn't get a chance to pk on him seriously, I never thought the wild would turn into a rev fest. I only returned to Runescape. Because I never really got a chance to go full out pk on Pkercomplete.

He was a dueler before a pker. But bounty hunter was not a replacement. Even though I did quite well in the original bounty hunter and my score use to be in the top 500 until I stopped playing it. It wasn't a replacement. I thought PvP worlds was going to do pking justice.

But sadly its garbage. When you get sh*t drops killing someone. It takes the fun out of it. Especially when your kill to death ratio is like 5:1 and when you die you lose all your profits.Why not just go to the dual arena and stake 3k if your going to get a mith axe and cakes?

So what I'm getting at and thought about this for a long time and have already said it on a live chat on blog tv.(few months ago)

I want to give out Pkercomplete to someone deserving.
The person that's deserving should be someone that watches my videos. If they don't know me they don't deserve it.
The person should not already have a high lvl pker or already made a name for themselves. I mean lets say I give my account to kids range. Why would I do that?
The person should be able to make a decent video on RS. B

That is the main criteria to the person I want to give pkercomplete out too. Why? Because I want them Togo on my account make a name for pker. Pkercomplete is still unknown in the world of Runescape. If I recorded some of my duels on Pker. You would be shocked at some of the duels I took and that would have made him blown up, that is what I believe.

But like I said hes unknown. I want someone that knows what their doing video editing wise. Because lets face it. Today on youtube. If you can't edit you won't get a audience.

It doesn't matter what they do to the account, they could raise my defense, raise prayer. Die a million times. It doesn't matter I think people are going to be talking about it regardless if its successful because where does the attention go back too? That's right it goes back to me. If Pkercomplete can make his foot print in the game of RS. All the attention will go back to me.

So this is what I'm planning a contest giving away pkercomplete to someone that meets my criteria. ending when I have 20k subscribers. Expect a video with more details about this when I hit 10k subscribers. I would love to think that maybe 10 years down the road Pkercomplete could make his way back to me.

Sponsored Links are on the side.


Super Taylor Man said...

dude...omfg are you serious...this is by far the best post you've ever made...:)
i cant believe ur giving it away!

well let's see if im the right guy.

my name is neverplayfair on youtube.i've been a subscriber to you for about a year..(around there lmao)

i guess i wouldn't say im big on runescape cause im not...only 32subscribers atm..and my runescape vids are very first one was horrible cause i had no clue how to rune hypercam but i finnally got camtasia 6 and now my editing is pretty good..atleast, i've been working on it. i also got vegas 8.0 but haven't really used it yet. :)

well let me know!
ur definately the funniest guy on youtube..dang ur vids are so freakin funny..lmao and im not doing that to suck up..
ill pm u on youtube too!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on man please dont give pkercomplete away you should keep as a memory people who get accounts for free lose interest in runescape the game itself becuase they didnt work for it you feel alot proud and better if you did all the work and not just have it handed to you

Anonymous said...

wow, well ill just start here...

i deserve this because i have expereience good accounts before to only have them slip out of my grasp. I was going to get into runescape videos but right before i had a chance to start editing my second video of me dueling w/ 99 ranged, i couldn't because the mate i was sharing with hacked the account away. I have watched nearly all of your videos and not just the runescape ones. I especially like your biking videos and would love to learn to do the weelie you did. But to stay on the topic i just thought that i'm not huge on yt not really any subbers but i will make a name for pker, i can almost guarantee that. Give me a chance.

oh yah, draco202001 on youtube

Anonymous said...

draco202001 here again

just message me on youtube if you do end up choosing me

you wont regret it :)

Anonymous said...

draco202001 seriously doesn't deserve it if he shares accounts. o.O You still gonna make vids on Mr T Wong? If not I'll miss the vids, but I don't care what you say, you're always make irl vids at least. You're not allowed to stop. Well I would put alot of effort into pk vids if you give to me. I would also make a few rsmvs of over-rated songs to get him more popular ;) I got rid of my runescape vids on youtube, but they weren't great editing, because I didn't think those were worth it. My youtube account is Oilers17rule. (well I guess I'm not getting the account for sure now :P) Thanks for all the amazing vids, I've seen them all, most of them 4-5 times :D

Kyle said...

lmfao at all the kids saying dude i love ur vids oh btw i want ur account and just bcoz this is my first post here doesnt mean im sucking up rofl

Sorry i just think its funny, my opinion on this whole thing is that you keep your account like some1 else said, i wouldnt even ask bcoz i have a lvl 131 already and wouldnt want another account tbh, but when i do finally decide to quit i wouldnt drop all my cash or anything like that, i like to think if i do wanna check on it one day i still have my 150mil or so(yea i know its nothing compared to you lol) but ya

Just thinking about it i agree with that other guy and if u give some1 ur account theyll just get bored and wont be as enthusiastic since they didnt spend all their time training it like you have

Anyhow thats just my 2 cents worth and if you wanna give it away, then good luck choosing the right person and i hope you get to check on you account again someday


Anonymous said...

Well, I feel you. I've always been trying to get rich, too. I feel exactly how you feel. I can't believe after all this hard work you would just give it away. Well, I guess I will take a shot at it.

My name is Brando, and I am 15. I know how to pk and how to edit with Sony Vegas. All I can say is I can help Pkercomplete's legacy continue. Not gonna say much else, that's all I really want to say.

Anonymous said...

Hey It's CappucinoBomb again! A.K.A Jensen!Well I'm sorry that your giving him up...So much work, and no reward. It brings a tear to my eye. I'm sure someone here is worthy enough. I wish you luck, And I hope you choose the right person. Bye!

Anonymous said...

draco202001 again


yes iknow i shared, but through my experiences i will never make that mistake again

hope you chooose someone good

MrISIB said...

10k subscribers and im going to make a video talking about it in more detail. Right now your just wasting breath.

dioxy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
dioxy said...

lol.. I'll take the pker.. I'm dioxy on youtube. I've seen your all of your vids.. Just not a big poster.

about me..

I've been playing since beta of runescape.. I remember when you could choose Archer-Mage-Warrior(knight).. And it showed fps in bottom right hand corner in rsc.. With everywhere pking, being the safe zone lumbridge.. I was part of the mass dupe back in 02/03. On my main x fighta x.. In 04-05 I was big into rsc staking then transfered to rs2 while still playing rsc..

I quit off and on, and last summer of 07. My main x fighta x got perm banned (transfered 10m rs2 to my other character) which I guess is considered Real life trading..

Most people know me as:

x fighta x
x cr0no x
scar 81
scar 82
scar 84

I want to play a game but not start over on an already messed up pure (has 21 defense)..


Anonymous said...

I can't belive ure giving pkercomplete away!

but just one questio are u still going to be playing runescape and Mr T Wong or hav u just quit for good.

i'm not going to say i deserve this account because i havent made any runescape vids but to be honest I i would like to hav it like most people who whatch ure vids i looked at Mr T Wong & Pkercomplete and wished i could be that lvl.

thats about it i guess.

P.S my youtube account is
DancingEnglishMan (nude nude wink wink) =]

Redxdragon44 said...

idk wat chances of me gettin pkercomplete is... but here goes...

I dint become a big fan of u until recently, I remember watchin 1 of ur vids a very long long time ago, but i wasnt very into yt that much bak then.. and i dint sub ur or nethin, but i did agree w/ ur views on pkin, i remember u were talkin bout pjin and stuff, and in f2p yh...i watched whole vid tho :)
Now i am into ur videos, i subbed like a month ago, and watch all the rs related vids, and some of the other random vids 1 was about savin money on boxers or somethin and 1 was u takin a drive, but yh i do kno u pretty well. I watched a lot of ur rs videos too even tho i subbed only like a month ago i did a lot of catchin up on u.

As 4 me not havin a high lvl, i hav 2 accs i play on, megagod0 and Redxdragon44, megagod0 i barely use nomore, hes 93 fishin and 86 cookin and all his other stats r garbage, it was my main, kinda like ur mr t wong, redxdragon44 is kinda like ur pkercomplete, i neva rly was big on trainin, i made redx 3 yrs ago and hes now lvl 95, 94 attk 92 str, 99 range, 96 hp (got yesterday :] ) and 82 mage, 20 def i rly hope dat dont effect ur decision, cuz pkercomplete is like redxcomplete :) i dint find out about this site until today n i was jus checkin out ur blogs n stuf, i c ur at like 5k subs now, so idk wat u gona do bout lookin in2 dis, but yh i am a very xperienced pker, reason it took so long to train redx is cuz i spend those 3 yrs mostly pkin, my bh ratin is high 4 some1 w/ 20 def, (i got half of my bh ratin in the 70s cb killin 90+ i kno wat im doin :P ) I got my attk up so i could stand a beter chance against 90+ so yh w/ ur acc in my hands il tell u wat id do w/ it, i mite make member idk, membs would help me get $ faster tho, i would definitly pk a lot since dats wat it made 4, id make pk vids on it, (i got 230 subscribers for redxdragon44's videos) ppl alredy kinda no me as a frequent mith pure bher, i only rly bh f2p, i dont like pace of p2p that much. And atm im tryin to get 99 attk. My name on yt is megagod, if u search redxdragon44 u can reach me thru there :)

- redxdragon44

ps. il make an acc on dis soon enuf it will b named Redxdragon44 unless somehow is taken.

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