Wednesday, December 31, 2008

What is your Combat Poll Results:

What is your Combat Poll Results:

The last blog of the year of 2008 and it ends with a bang. This poll had a total of 408 votes. That is something else. I wan't to thank everyone that found my site and took the time to look around and voted. I'm a very curious guy and I always wondered what lvl are the people that watch my videos. Now I have a general idea.

I was shocked by the results though, lets start backwards because thats why im shocked 116 people voted for their combat being 112+. I didn't belive it. I didn't even think high lvls watched my videos. Cause my videos are all nooby. I mean one time I ran around Runescape and visited Fist of Guthix and Bounty Hunter and got a nooby kill. Thats pretty nooby in my books I know it doesn't make much sense, but I was thinking the majority was going to be 71-80 and 81-90 thats why I stopped at 112+ combat.

I was dead wrong. Then pretty much the poll climbs down with each lvl down leaving lvl 21-30 being the lowest with the fewest amount of votes.
Personally for those that don't know my main accounts on Runescape are Mr T Wong which is my main at combat lvl 116 and he has all my rares and hes my skiller. Hes the man because hes bald. Then my second account is Pkercomplete. Which is my highest lvl Pker I have ever made. I like to call him a maxed Rune pure cause hes f2p, just to share a little something some people that might want to know a random fact about him. He doesn't have ancients magic.

The quest Desert Treasure came out when I already quit members as I just got bored. So basically if you were to do the quests now he would have like 50 def :( hahaha and like 60 prayer hahaha awww that accounts basically ruined. Thats another reason why I don't really see a reason on keeping him. I never had success on him either for straight pking. Only dueling.....

But one mans garbage is another mans treasure.

Thanks for the votes and Check out the new Poll.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Fake? Publicity stunt?

I received 2 private messages on youtube saying I deleted my videos because I don't want to make Runescape videos anymore and I only want to use this as a publicity stunt to get me more subscribers. WTF?

Okay lets get things straight. I got most of my subscribers from my Runescape videos. Why would I want to jeopardize that? I'm already getting a handful of subscribers daily why would I try to get more by pulling this?

So I guess these kids just want to see some sort of proof of deletion of my videos and the youtube email....

So here you go. (you can click picture to see it better)

I've only lied to my subscribers once and that was a thing called "numbers" But the pay off was going to be a massive drop party but sadly Jagex took out drop trading so that party didn't quite happen. I even came out with a video saying sorry. Pretty sure you can take my word over something so stupid over the internet.

Later days

Edit: I just got back from looking at my recent video I uploaded about this on youtube.

I just want to thank everyone for leaving a comment and rating. It means a lot. I read every single comment. I may not respond to all of them as that would up a lot of time. But I really appreciate it and just wanted to say Thank you for the support. This is becoming CHHEEEEZZZYYYY! haha

Happy New Years

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Bank video reuploaded

This is the video that was all responsible for me deleting all my in game Runescape videos. Its funny. My first Runescape video was about my bank and my last on youtube was my bank. There must be some sort of metaphor behind this. LOL

anyways enjoy the video expect a video talking about this situation up in a few hours.

Happy New Year!

Here is the video!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Why did you come to RuneScape?

This is my answer to Sam aka "Miss Runite"

Happy newyear

Friday, December 26, 2008

All my Runescape videos Deleted.

Its no joke, this is what happened:

On Christmas which is December 25. I did a live show on blog tv. about a hour and half into the show I read someones comment "Dude your bank video is deleted" I went straight to my youtube and found out this was not a lie. I then proceeded to my email and found out it got flagged for copyright. Jagex told Youtube to pull down my video. It is Jagex's right to do so, I'm not going to cry over spilt milk.

Since it was Christmas I didn't want to turn my mood into a bad one. So I just did the safest thing to protect my youtube account. I deleted all my Runescape videos. It actually didn't hurt to delete them except one. That was my Original RS bank. With over 500k views, that's the video that got me most of my subscribers without that video Today I probably would only have about 500 if that.

So the plan is. No more In game Runescape videos on my account MrISIB on youtube. Most likely I will open up another account or I will just upload it on and then just upload it onto this site exclusively. Its still in the air.

To the haters that flagged my video expect a video talking about this in a few days. But thats it. Don't want togo into much detail about quite yet.

Thank you and hope you guys and gals had a awesome christmas. Happy 2009 to you too.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Special probably

if it happens Live show tomorrow blog tv. so my blog tv link is

Ummm the plan is tomorrow wake up, go have dim sum with the family, then the sky is the limit because my family doesn't celebrate Christmas. So I will have a lot of free time.....

Sadly I miss work already. So I think im going to do a blog tv special the only way I won't make it is I get aids or there's actually something planned I don't know.... But probably not cause everything is closed! Booooo!

So im thinking if I am doing the live show its going to be around 3-7 start then I will do it until I get bored or run out of saliva so like save some questions and hopefully I will see you all there. (You can just subscribe to my blog tv account and you will get a notification in your email saying im live) But of coarse ill put up warning video thing on youtube saying im live.

Anyways happy merry Christmas.

did the live show at 8, a hour late :( my uncle just had to stay for 3 movies. Sorry to anyone that wanted to see it and missed it. I only did about 1/30min show because I found out one of my videos got pulled (Updated bank) So I had to delete all my In game Runescape videos. ITs a kick in the pants, but don't worry if im making more videos its all going to be on here.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

New Bank video is up ladies gentlemen

This bank video was unesccesaary in my eyes as nothing really changed in my previous bank video except. like the actual tabs. Pretty much made this video cause I had nothing else ready. Also I would like you to know this was prior to my drop party so that 15 mill is really just 5 mill. But will make it our little secret. Awwwwwwwww yeahhhhhhhh.... Happy holidays.

Mr T Wong

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Need topics.

Well I was thinking of how other sites that are dedicated to Runescape could go for so long. Compared to mine. The difference is their fan sites that give quest help and other things of that nature.

While my site is more of my personal experiences and what I faced and how I played. There's only so much I can write about. So the question is what do you guys and gals have to ask? If I find it interesting ill use it.

If not don't be surprised in a new direction for the site. Which would be more personal where ill write about my upcoming videos, and just more in depth look of the person making the videos.

Blogs like this:
For those that don't know MrISIB is a character which is a exaggerated cocky version of me in real life. When a cameras on me I act differently and tend to want to capture the audiences attention. This is why when I was going on Blog tv lots of people asked me to co-host and I accepted. But after a few shows. I noticed I stole their audience completely they don't get a word in when im co-hosting....

So the question is, do you have topic for me? Remember it has to do with something in the past. If you ask me about summoning, my answer will be pikachu what? If you ask me about farming, ill say pot is a plant. If you ask me about hunter, ill say i killed a deer once and ran over a squirrel. You get the point.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Just had the drop party

Just had the drop party

Started about 30 mins early as everyone seemed to arrive early and plus I had to go out, Tonight. So I'm just going to give some thoughts on how it went.

Overall I thought the party itself went very well. The amount of people in my cc was crazy, dropped 175 items I would have dropped 25 more but the chest got full because someone put in bread.... I dropped an extra 100 items because the amount of people that showed up in my cc. Was Crazy...

Apparently when I had my hypercam on it was off and vice versa and most of it was un watchable anyways, these were the only clips I found watchable. Yup, A subscriber also made a video thats 9 mins long! hahaha if you want to check it out its below.

Thanks again for everyone for coming out. Maybe I'll make this a yearly event until all my money is gone! I think in total I've dropped 25mill in total hosting drop partys. Thats quite a bit cause im cheap.


Wishing you a happy holidays and happy new year.

Also P.S. just cause you didn't get anything doesn't mean the party was unsuccessful, I dropped 175 items in a world with 350-400 people. There are partys with higher amount in total but those are usaully hosted by people who are quitting or with multiple people. Pretty much 9 mill is a lot of money to be dropped by one person. chances are if there was no junk like bread, berries, raw chicken and I could deposit all my items in at once you could have gotten something, so if anything blame your bad luck or dumbasses that put in that stuff. Also all the people that like to jump the gun and pull the lever when theres nothing in there.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Drop Party video is up

Here it is for full details

What:drop party
When: at 6:30pm mountain time on a french or german server on Saturday Dec 20,2008 on a Saturday, party petes
Why:Because its almost holidays

additional information:If you are completely lost all you have to do is add "Mr T Wong" then you will know when I log on. The proceed to my clan chat. I will tell you which world it will be held. .

Happy Holidays!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Help me decide leave me a comment

So if you been following my blog you should know im hosting a drop party but its not official yet. I still need the day.

I was thinking on the 20th because it was a Saturday and probably a lot of people have that day off. But because of that, I was thinking a lot of people are going to be lucky as they are in the right world to get the drop.

The server is going to be on a french server maybe german. But I'm leaning towards french because I have a better chance of understanding what im doing then a german.

The time that works for me is anything after 6:00pm mountain time as thats usaully when I get off work when they offer us O.T., But better make it 6:30 just in case.

So the question is what day mostly. If no1 responds I will probably host it on a monday or saturday at 630 on french server.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Just thinking about my 20k subscribers.

Well like I said a few blogs back I am planning on giving away pker. My plan was to make a video about it on youtube when I hit 10k subsceribers. But I don't want to jeapordise my youtube account.

Jagex is pretty firm on rule breaking. So I was thinking when I hit 10k subscribers and if I made a video saying im giving away pker. My guts telling me its going to get a lot of views and comments. Thus leading to Jagex finding out.

I lost my original youtube account to Jagex. Starting over from scratch is no fun. So I won't be making that video. In many chances if your reading this that means the playing field has been lowered. So if your looking to be the owner of pkercomplete. All you have to do is keep coming back.

The 10k subscribers is still the plan though. I will write more in detail about it when the time comes. But expect expect that drop party video up pretty soon, but I do think saturday iis the day. Probably around 7ish, see if I get O.T. that day.

Till then later days

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Another private message that pisses me off...

(click on image to see it better)

now lets compare the 2 accounts side by side

Wtf? Why are you wasting your own time sending me this crap? Put yourself in my shoes why would you make the trade when I have the better account with the better skills? Not even including the bank.

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I am a asshole sometimes on youtube

Every since I made the YouTube partner videos to give people tips on how to become one I received over a dozen saying "Shout me out..." do this do that. The whole point of the videos I made are so you don't have to rely on anyone else.

If your videos are good, people will continue watching. My shout outs don't mean anything if you don't have good videos. If you have good videos you won't need anyone to help you. I started on YouTube without anyone helping me. I only became a partner about a half a year ago if that. All that time I did not get discouraged and I kept on making my videos.

My videos are not the best on YouTube, I'm the first to admit that. But what I have that others don't is I attract a very large audience with the variety of my videos. In all my videos I try to throw in something memorable something funny to get that person to give me their subscription.

YouTube for me from the start was just making videos, It was never about subscriptions, views, ratings that's what I think a lot of these people that Private message me are lacking. They don't have the right mind set to even start on YouTube.

Let me tell you what you get for money being a YouTube partner won't pay your bills. It will buy a cheese burger once a week. The amount of time I've put in making videos and blogs their my own time. Do I regret it? No because I love doing it.

I'm writing this blog because I got this Private message on YouTube:
"hey i love runescape, at least i use to, until some scammer and hacker took all my stuff. then i quit, but im still helping out my lil cousin. anywayz, i really really really wanna be a partner. i have enough views, but people don't seem to be subscribing to me. can you please just tell people to subscribe to me or something? plz?"

I replied back by saying:
"delete all your videos, if you didn't know google owns YouTube. Google does not like lying.

Their whole public figure is their the good guys. some of your videos have more views then mine. It doesn't take much to figure out your view manipulating. Read the guide lines that YouTube has written and follow it.

If you have the views the subscribers will follow."

Its harsh but don't take short cuts around YouTube its not going to make you a partner any faster.


Drop Party invitation

Its the month of Decemer and usaully this time around the year people become nicer and better people.

I was thinking what I could do. The only thing I could think of it another drop party! Your invited. It will be held on a german server so less people will come. The date is probably going to be on the 20th but it might change depends if any plans come off in real life.
The amount that I will be dropping is 25 rune sets which is 100 items (Plate,Legs,helmet,kite) So theres a good chance everyones going to get something so look forward to it.

Expect a video about this in the near future for the final date and to tell the other people that don't even know about the site about the drop party.

Sponsored Links are on the side.

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

New video is up

This video is dedicated to the Jagex store, which is one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Poll: What is your combat lvl?

Poll: What is your combat lvl?
The newest poll is up! You can find it on the right hand side of the site. The poll is basic what is your combat lvl. You can choose more then one option so just vote on the accounts you play on the most. Short and sweet.

Poll ends 12/30/08 which will usher in the new year!

Sponsored Links are on the side.

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Results:"Do you like the new PvP?"

So first of all I would like to thank everyone for taking the time to make their vote in my silly little polls on my page. This poll has the highest turn out yet with a grand total of 240 votes. That's pretty cool it means more people are visiting my site.

Anyways to the poll the question was "Do you like the new PvP?" The PvP came out in October 2008 to try and justify the loss of the wilderness. There was a lot of mixed opinions out there. Some say its a awesome update others say it sucks eggs. The poll results shows this.

150 votes(62%)said the update is good and liked it.
83 votes (34%) don't like the update
7 votes (2%) haven't tried and probably didn't come back to change their vote when they tried

were missing 2% somehow. Not too sure where it went maybe it went in my milk.

Personally I flipped votes. At first I thought the update was awesome. My first kill I brought next to nothing and koed someone and got a bunch of rune items(Its in a video I uploaded) that's why I thought it was a good update. But later on, off camera I got several kills and I get items like anchovy pizza. That's garbage. Everyone dies eventually so if I get 5 kills and get jack crap and maybe one good item. Then I die I lose all my profit and or just break even. But hey I'm down no matter what. When I have to go get food so often. Not even bringing in pots. I spend more money on food and pots and when I get a anchovy pizza or a steel plate that's what makes the update bad.

The only thing that I can see good coming out of this is the pvp world itself. Now theres going to be less people in PvP worlds that are logged on just to woodcut or mine so that's a plus.

Thats about it for this blog. Make sure you check out the next poll.

Sponsored Links are on the side.

Monday, November 24, 2008

My New video is up"So you Want RS, You got it!"

It was up yesterday but I didn't write a little blurb about it. Here it is if you haven't checked it out yet.

The basic concept of this video I have been planning for a very long time now. With my new camera being able to take quality footage of me in IRL and switching between the Runescape shots.

This idea was most likely influenced by AVGN. But I had been putting off this video for a long time cause I needed a idea to make it but Ifound this to be the best time to pull out this format in making a Runescape video.

In the making of the video, everything just fit all together. Everything came in place naturally, no script nothing. I did this in one continuous shot. The music was found on newgrounds and it was the first song that I sampled, I was looking for something fast and dramatic for some real cheesy Runescape footage.

The only thing I did that might have made the video planned was moving the background prop but I did this just to see if people were watching my videos or just listening. Personally I think this is one of my best videos I made about Runescape in a long time. It wasn't to long, not to short, a lot of things made me laugh but I have a weird sense of humour.

I plan on making several more of this format video in the future. I think it went over really well with the response I got from the people that commented.

I would like to give a big thank you to all the people that left me a comment, Comments to me mean more then the actual rating. If you take the time to write it I will read it. Thank you.

Sponsored Links are on the side.

Next blog and will be talking about the poll results expect it up on the weekend at latest, been busy in real life. Had my first day at work yesterday at the new job yesterday and it tires me out by the end of the day.

Pkercomplete and his future

Pkercomplete and his future:
No this is not a blog talking about his defense lvl and asking everyone should I "raise or keep his defence".

This blog is dead serious. No Rick Rolls here. I'm talking about Pkercomplete's owner. I've gotten to the stage in the game of Runescape where I've done it all.

-Made millions and even breaking a billion
-Making a awesome dueler account that turned into my main pking account
-Got my favorite non combat skill to 99, fishing

My whole Runescape career for me was to own a billion gp that was my goal, I say in a few of my previous videos, "Pking is Runescape..." but for me that was 2nd. First was money. From the very start of Runescape starting with my friends in real life. I always wanted to be the one with money. While they were fighting goblins I was busy fly fishing. Later on they were fighting in wild and I traded in my rod for lobster cage. I finally saved up for my first santa hat and I wanted more. My goal was to reach a billion/own a cracker. I did it.

The moment I clicked the accept button for my cracker trade. Was the moment a big passion of the game died for me. I did it. I actually bought the cracker. That's why few weeks/months later I talk a long hiatus break and that's when pking was taken out. I didn't get a chance to pk on him seriously, I never thought the wild would turn into a rev fest. I only returned to Runescape. Because I never really got a chance to go full out pk on Pkercomplete.

He was a dueler before a pker. But bounty hunter was not a replacement. Even though I did quite well in the original bounty hunter and my score use to be in the top 500 until I stopped playing it. It wasn't a replacement. I thought PvP worlds was going to do pking justice.

But sadly its garbage. When you get sh*t drops killing someone. It takes the fun out of it. Especially when your kill to death ratio is like 5:1 and when you die you lose all your profits.Why not just go to the dual arena and stake 3k if your going to get a mith axe and cakes?

So what I'm getting at and thought about this for a long time and have already said it on a live chat on blog tv.(few months ago)

I want to give out Pkercomplete to someone deserving.
The person that's deserving should be someone that watches my videos. If they don't know me they don't deserve it.
The person should not already have a high lvl pker or already made a name for themselves. I mean lets say I give my account to kids range. Why would I do that?
The person should be able to make a decent video on RS. B

That is the main criteria to the person I want to give pkercomplete out too. Why? Because I want them Togo on my account make a name for pker. Pkercomplete is still unknown in the world of Runescape. If I recorded some of my duels on Pker. You would be shocked at some of the duels I took and that would have made him blown up, that is what I believe.

But like I said hes unknown. I want someone that knows what their doing video editing wise. Because lets face it. Today on youtube. If you can't edit you won't get a audience.

It doesn't matter what they do to the account, they could raise my defense, raise prayer. Die a million times. It doesn't matter I think people are going to be talking about it regardless if its successful because where does the attention go back too? That's right it goes back to me. If Pkercomplete can make his foot print in the game of RS. All the attention will go back to me.

So this is what I'm planning a contest giving away pkercomplete to someone that meets my criteria. ending when I have 20k subscribers. Expect a video with more details about this when I hit 10k subscribers. I would love to think that maybe 10 years down the road Pkercomplete could make his way back to me.

Sponsored Links are on the side.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Response Real or Fake

Self explainatory watch the video for video proof of the 9hp account.
If you don't have the time to watch the video heres a brief description:
-I start out at varrok east bank then I walk to varrok sewers then I let to rats chew on my leg and kill me to prove 9 hp. All the while making commentary. Also I say something really important.


watch out for the next "real or fake" if I think of something that is.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why do people enjoy RSMV's?

I was looking around on youtube for some video ideas about Runescape and did you know what I found? Nothing except RSMV's (Runescape music videos). I have never quite understand what made them so popular.

Can someone please explain this to me. In real life, people do lip syncs because its funny. Your adding a human flavor to it. But a game? How does it become funny? Its a game. Why listen and watch a game with the music, instead you can watch the real thing.

I don't understand. Who came up with it? Its pretty retarded... "hmmmm today I'm gonna make a Runescape music video..." I cant even imagine how the people came up with the idea but apparently it went over really good and a lot of people enjoy RSMV's. But not me I watched a few.

Some of them got really serious with songs that would not fit with Runescape. I mean they went hardcore with the video effects. It was like lord of the rings.... It was like pretty impressive for what it was but still why watch it when you can watch the real thing? Its only impressive because you can actually see how much effort they put in. But its not really entertaining. Or am I missing something?

You should leave a message if you read this, even though this whole blog has horrible run on sentences and bad grammar. But I just typed what came into my head.

Sponsored Links are on the side.

Monday, November 17, 2008

I made a few changes on the site/new video

Well since im not a webmaster, even though I think I should have some backround information on it. I don't. So basically im using the templates that blogger gives us.

I changed a few colours. Not much though it still sucks.

Also changed my banner.

Thats my hardcore make over. hahahahaha yeah...... btw my new video on me teaching you how to save money is up check it!

This video I actually put a bit more effort in the usaul. Theres several cut scenes to move the audiences eyes, I actually wrote up a mini script. But I still made up stuff on the go. Is it called ablibing? I forgot what the word is for making shit up right on the spot is. I thought it turned out pretty good. It gave me a few laughs. But when you see your own work you tend to look blind. Your imput is really appreciated.

So basically what im asking is someone should make me a better site! hahahaha


Saturday, November 15, 2008


Just found this stream so here it is UFC 91!
(not to sure if this stream will be pulled or not so maybe enjoy the fights!)

Watch live video from UFC 91: COUTURE VS LESNER on

if that one doesnt work heres another url that is working!

friggin crazy, their pulling it down liek crazy

trythis one

K last link, it should be pulled.... but its horrible quiality

Friday, November 14, 2008

Fake! or is it real?

People for some reason always find a reason to say something is fake. IE my RS bank video. "Its mopar!" So lets play a small game its simple real or fake. List the reasons on why you think its real or fake. I will tell you the results in a weeks time.

9HP: Real or Fake(you can click on the picture to enlarge it, to see it better)

~Out MrISIB Nov 14,08

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Apparently DK hates me

Like the title says Dk stands for Devine Kings. It was the clan that inspired me to make my last IRL Runescape video because some of the things they did was really annoying and retarded. I received like 8 private messages on youtube. Trying to tell me reasons why I was wrong and I'm a "Chink". I really don't understand why being Chinese has to do with anything but apparently it has a lot.

They left me a comment saying "Our real leader Gotenks 2322 wasn't leading that's why it got so hectic." News for you. What world is your clan in the most? World 21. That's never a good sign if the only reason you go into the wild is to war with other large clans. Whose leading those? Gotenks....

I was Dk before half these people were DK. I joined Dk when Dk was formed from the old multi bounty hunter. Why did I join? Because in the old bounty hunter you could not pk solo. But if you pked in a group that was the only chance you got of killing someone. 99 Range gets a lot of kills, especially when your one of the few in the group of Dk with it. So I joined them because they went into bounty hunter lots, not a lot of them had 99 range. So I used them to get loot.

I know how Gotenks leads. Hes not that good of a leader. I went on a few trips with him before I made this video. I went on numerous trips with him in bounty and hes only average at leading if that. In the old bounty hunter, he let people scout=retarded. Anyone that has played the old bounty knows that scouters are people that want to inflict as much damage as they can and let the clan ko them and they get the drops.

In the new pvp world he always wants to meet at edgeville bank for some reason to mass. Why? People pk there and their just going to waste our food while we wait for everyone to come.

He brings a very large group to giants. Giants is not the place to pk with 20+ people why? Because people bring teles to giants. Everyone is not stupid not to bring teles when you can just tele out. Why would a team of 5 people try and take on 20 people? They will just tele out before we get a chance to pile them. Those 5 people will come back and we would still try to pk at giants for some reason. "They are coming back, so lets DD here."

The only reason why those people are coming back is because their thinking we moved on because who in their right mind would stay continue to fight at giants against 5 people? They will just tele away again. Your just wasting time pking in a place you can't pk with the size of people you got.

Gotenks for some reason also is head strong or retarded. If you get beat once against another large clan at greaters. You don't just regroup again and try and take on the bigger clan without re massing. Its simple if you start out with 5 people against 10 people the 10 people are likely going to win. Why would you go back out again with your 5 people when you know they have 10 people? Does it not make sense to get another 2 or 3 or even better yet 10 more people so you get the odds in your favour?

Maybe I'm just staring back at what made me pk with them in the first place. I pked with them because I got a large majority of the kills in bounty hunter. I used them to get loot. They just like running around and attacking as much people as they can hoping to get kills. If that's the case I don't know why they just don't play in the dangerous clan wars mini game. They pk just to attack people. Those people piss me off in the new PvP. Especially when I'm on pker. I said it already. I can't walk from point A to point B without some guy attacking me, even with full hp and my prayer on he keeps on attacking me. Then I log onto Mr T Wong and attack them back and they run to the bank saying "ask before you attack." pffft.....

Bottom line is DK=Dumbass (K)Clan that doesn't pk for loot they just pk for the sake of pk. Which is stupid cause your losing money each time you go out. For me pking without getting loot is not fun. You level up your combat stats for the sake of player killing. If your not in it for the loot go train your non combat stats or stick with NPC's.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Runescape made me bald!

I logged on today and noticed that I became bald on Mr T Wong. It was if my party hat grabbed a hold of my hair and ripped it off and now my party hat has hair attached. Check it out!

Do you have any gnarly game glitches to share? Leave a comment!


Friday, November 7, 2008

Defense lvl

With all the feedback I gotten from the last video with me ranting on for 17 mins. I decided I was going to leave pker's def lvl alone for now. Not even play on him. Im just going to go visit my good ole main. Im going to raise his combat stats. I recently lvl'ed a defense lvl on him.
(You can click to see a larger picture)

Im going to make him a tank. By tank I mean defense noob. Hoooray.


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Start new job on the 24th

Well short but sweet blog:

Well today I went into a interview to meet with James or Julia who are both human resources people at Hyperion in Calgary. This was my first real job interview that was professional as my past work experience was only at my family restaurant, superstore, Safeway etc. So this was all new to me. I even had to write a cover letter.

The cover letter was easy though, as it was basically a plagiarized letter i found on google. haha.
But the interview went very well. They seemed to really like me, as I brought them a few laughs saying. My Asian jokes.

They asked "tell us a bit of yourself"

I said, "Ummm, I'm Thomas, I live in Calgary, I'm Asian. yup..... just ask and ill answer."

haha I cracked up inside. But basically the interview ended up with a handshake so its set in stone. Hopefully I find interest in this and turn this into a career. If not back to school.

~Out MrISIB :)

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

I Found this interesting.

This might come off a bit cocky. But I just wanted to share how popular my bank video has become.

Heres the video if you haven't seen it.

Did you know that this video right now has over 499k views!?! Thats like half a million hits. Thats insane if I got a penny for every view I got I would be like.... A midget eating pop rocks. I would goto a mall and yell out pennies for everyone! But thats not the only thing that made me surpised. I got curious how my video stacked up against other people's bank videos and thats where my jaw dropped.

If you goto youtube and type in "Runescape bank" and select "view count" in the search options. Mine comes out 8th most viewed of all time. Thats friggin crazy as theres so many bank videos out there and to get that many views, is unbeliveable. Out of those 8, mine is the only one with commentary, it really shows that I was one of the first to make commentary for a RS vid if not the first.

The videos commentary was me in a p'd off mode also. Im surpised it got 4/5star rating. I basically talk about nonsense of getting banned. Most of the people commenting are saying it sucks your Runecape account got banned.... When I was talking about my youtube account "illsendinthebails" got banned. hahaha anyways Thanks for reading expect a video up sometime this week maybe today. See if I get around too it.


Edit:I received a comment saying "miniaclepinoy420" got his bank video up before me. My current bank video dates March 15,2007 his dates November 17th ,2006

I had another youtube account before I got banned on youtube. So you can do some guessing and figure out when I posted mine. I got to tell you though it would have been around the same time as his if not before.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

New video is out on Youtube

Yup thats it. Thought I would have a longer intro paragraph but nope, im lazy.

Happy post Halloween, I was a white kid for Halloween!


P.S. were changing our clocks tomorrow so like move your hour hand back 1 then you will be set to live life. But it might be better to leave the clock as it is. Cause if you goto work a hour early they will be super stoked and say this person is awesome.

Ouch just price checked my bank...

So last time I checked my bank was worth about 1.1bill I checked today and it kinda made me just say ouch. 970mill. hahaha thats hilarious. I wonder if it will drop to 900mill. Haha that would make my day like a cup of coffee. Who would have guessed Rares taking that big of a hit. Sometimes I wish we could predict what items do. I remember one time me selling a santa and making 500k profit which was huge back then. I thought I did pretty good that day. I tried buying another santa later but they just don't sell it was like people were hording them and the prices jumped and I would have made 2 million haha that was awesome. And this is a awesome run on paragraph. I think im gonna end it now.


Edit: haha I love how random my blogs are sometimes their like 3 sentences, other times you need to scroll down 5 mins to get to the end hahaha! Today is a hilarious day. Btw my friend from college might be hooking me up with a job in the aircraft industry as I missed the college this year for another coarse I wanted. I don't want to put all my beans in a bowl yet and do the cop thing I decided I should try this aircraft thing first. So dropping my resume off Monday. Cross your fingers for me guys/gals hopefully this job won't be a bitch. But $17/hr im happy with that, apparently theres a bunch of O/T too so time and a half!

Don't worry though if I get the job the videos and blogs will always be coming. After my half a month break I feel refreashed and im Ready to make another 100 videos.

Happy late halloween everyone and hopefully you did't rot your teeth out! I would have trick or treated this year, but none of my friends thought it would be fun to go out! hahahah so I just want to walmart and spent $30 on candy!!!! haha its half price!


Thursday, October 30, 2008

New Russel Peters

Just thought I would share this with you as I just found it. Its hilarious I don't want to give anything away. So just watch!!!

Note: I did not upload this, so if you find this and want to sue me. You can contact the 3rd party that uploaded this. Im just showing people what I found. Its like me telling them goto a site called ""


Where I trained in F2P.

The blogs title says it all. This blog will tell you where I trained to get Pkercomplete's stats to where he is today, his stats include 99strength, 99attack, 99hitpoints and 99 range. Which is quite impressive for having about 90% of my stats in f2p.

If you decide to use these locations always use your best equipment that you can possibly wear. Its almost common sense but I always see a bunch of people wearing things like addy trimmed while traiing. It looks sweet but your taking away your own bonuses and wasting training time and your own food. So always wear the best armour and weapons.

For these monsters I trained on I can't give you a exact combat lvl I trained at and until I switched monsters. As you have to keep in mind I had pkercomplete since classic. Just remember there are no secrets in training. It takes time. That is why the later monsters I train on auto attack.

Without further a due here are the monsters I trained on:
Like everyone else that starts Runescape chickens are the best monster to train on, as they don't hurt you and feathers are great money makers or great for fly fishing later on. Train smart. I see some "pker" guides out there that say get 10 strength first then get your attack lvls. Personally this is how I see it. The faster you get a strength lvl up the harder you hit. But if you upgrade your weapon from say iron to steel it does the same thing.

Train 5 attack always first so you can upgrade your weapon so you can hit harder, then get the strength lvls as the xp will come faster now since you hit higher.
Cows are the 2nd monster to come. From memory I always thought cows were like lvl 5. But RS2 might have changed their combat lvls. Why I have no idea. So this will change things for people to see where I trained. For the starting players money is the hardest thing to get. Cow hides are also good for all the crafters out there. So always deposit your hides at the bank.
Goblins come next. The good thing about these monsters are theres tons of them hanging around in lumbridge especially this hut/house thing so defiantly train here to get a lot of lvls. Also the goblin diplomacy location has a lot of goblins too. Remember train smart. If theres a lot of people training in one area find a new one. I see a lot of new players sticking to a certain world just because its their home world. Don't do that were training its naturally boring so you want to train as fast as possible so you don't have to train any longer. So don't compete with like 20 other people training at one place for a certain monster. Hop worlds, find a different location with the same monster....

The next monster is the Al-Kharid warrior. I attacked one of these monsters and found that they now "line up to attack you." So make sure you have a lot of food or good def cause this has become a multi area so this can work to your advantage or disadvantage. A tip is if your main is not supplying your account with money for food you can buy cheap kebab's at the shop here which cost 1gp. Just some extra clicking is required.
Like everyone gaurds are another favorite. It just went hand and glove as these monsters are everywhere at this point I would say you should be combat lvl 40 or higher. Remember train smart fighting higher lvl monster slows down your training. As their defense is higher and they hit harder so you use more food. The good thing about gaurds are they are located in varrok so you can make some extra money merchanting. When I was training on gaurds I was using the forums making money off lobster. Im sure you can figure something out merchanting on the G.E.

If guards aren't your thing you can train on these monsters that are located in the varrok sewers. These monsters auto attack you if your the right combat lvl.
Zombies are by far one of my favorite monsters. In RSC this was so over populated because it was such a good place to train. I suggest the wild for training on zombies. If you knew where to stand they would auto attack you for 10 mins.

Lastly we come the the last monster I trained on which Is by far the best monster I found. I hope all these monsters will help you train better. Heres a video of the monster as a lot of people seem to not know where the strong hold is. The video shows from varrok teleport where to go and it shows me standing in one place for 10 mins

A note: I 3 item because when I trained here I don't look at the computer screen so I don't want a random killing me.

I don't want to get anyone in trouble but it is possible to set up a auto clicker at some of these locations. As you can train for 10 mins. I don't suggest you pay for one or look for a auto clicker on google. I have used one and gained a lot of my lvls training at flesh crawlers, while I'm sleeping or was at work or school.

I have zero black marks on pkercomplete, Again it is your choice only I don't promote marcoing as I don't want to jeopardize any of your accounts but if I'm writing about a blog about how I played RS I have to come truth and I have used a auto clicker with flesh crawlers. I think how I got away with it is. I don't produce a lot of clicks its like 3 clicks to get to the corner wait then 3 more click to get back to the fleshcrawlers. 10 mins of training and repeat. After I die and go to lumbridge I log out as nothing attacking me is stopping to log out.

Theres no way that I could have gotten pker's stats to where he is today with out marcoing his stats. I don't understand how people get all their stats to 99 as I thought I played enough already, the only conclusion I can think of is they are sharing accounts, autoing or just plain no lifing it hardcore. Once again I am not promoting marcoing in Runescape, im sharing my past experiences through blog so people can learn what to do and what not to do on their own judgement.

Now that is my little guide on where I trained in f2p and got all my lvls. I said 90% earlier because I got a few lvls at pest control. Hope this helped you on you training.


Monday, October 27, 2008

New video up on youtube/update

Heres the video just in case you somehow missed it on youtube.

The update is for my blog about where I trained. I recently revisited all the old places I trained at but for some reason I think most of the monsters lvls have changed. Like for some reason I always thought cows were lvl 5 but now their lvl 2. But you guys were just curious on what I trained on. So im gonna keep the monsters as is.

Thats about it, look forward to the blog coming up in a few days.


edit: oh btw I found this sweet site and think you should check out if your into wrestling like me.
I only suggest to watch their videos if you have a fast connection. Enjoy Cyber Sunday!

Saturday, October 25, 2008

New poll is up

This poll is about the new PvP since no one gave me any imput! I hope to hear your guys/gals opinions on this through the poll. Next blog im going to talk about what I trained on so expect a pretty decent/long blog compared to this one. As this one is ending soon. Like right now. Go vote!

For all the new people to the site the poll is located on the right, just scroll down and make sure you stay tuned.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Poll Results

(Click to see it larger)

Help make the next poll leave a comment!!

~Out MrSIB

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Have you seen the new South Park

Well here it is.

hopefully u enjoy watching it while your skilling or maybe even PvPing or do we call it Pking?
Leave a comment if your a fan of SP!

Note: I did not upload this video I just found it on the internet and decided to share the url.Note: I did not upload this, so if you find this and want to sue me. You can contact the 3rd party that uploaded this. Im just showing people what I found. Its like me telling them goto a site called ""


Thursday, October 16, 2008

New video is up on youtube

Check it.

This is my very first thoughts on the new update. But now I have had time to actually play it and found several flaws I will be disscussing it in a future video. Cheers for all the comments I received while I was gone.


Thursday, September 25, 2008

Im taking a break

If your reading this your probably one of the bigger supporters out there. I really do appreciate it. As I've said it once and ill say it again. If you watch my videos and subscribe to me it really does mean a lot. Theres so many other people out there to watch and if you stick by me, it means a lot....

Anyways this blog is just me saying I need to take a break. I'm getting myself burnt out online. To tell you the truth youtube has began to become a chore for me. I don't want that to happen. I came on youtube because I thought it was fun. But the partner program is a double edged sword.

Yes I'm a partner and I get a privilege of putting ads on my videos to earn pennies but once those pennies turn into nickles, and those nickles turn into dimes, and soon those dimes turn into dollars. That's when your mind goes into another drive and you just start to think "I want to make more money money...... money....."

That is the double edged sword, I don't want myself selling out myself. I know it doesn't make sense, but that's just the way I think. I don't want to continue pushing out videos when I'm not enjoying it. So I'm going to take a month's break from online.

No videos, no blogs, no updates. I just need time to find out why I joined youtube in the first place again. So I'm very sorry if your one of the few that enjoy my videos and blogs, but this break has to happen. I only have one video left in storage after that video is up my break from the internet begins.

I thank you in advance for all the support you have given me. I will be back faster, stronger and more asianier.


Wayyyyyy off track.(Free movie)

Im sorry this isn't about Runescape but its even BETTA! I found the new little mermaid full length and you can watch it too!
heres the link!

I grew up watching the original little mermaid and became a big fan. Real men watch disney movies. AND REAL REAL MEN shed tears while watching the little mermaid!

hahaha awww gawwdd my jokes doesn't do itself justice in text.

But seriously if you enjoy free entertainment this will kill a lot of time. Its good quality too!


P.S. if you enjoy me posting up links to movies leave me a comment and if I find any sweet movies with awesome quality ill post up more links for you!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Lets play a game!

I want to add more interaction on my blog, So I came up with a idea. It probably wont be to fun and the prize isn't anything special but its the only thing that I could think of with the trade limit. So here's the game.

I'm going to have a picture and you have to guess where that place is (be specific, like you can't just say Lumbridge you may have to say lumbridge castle). All the locations are f2p.
The first person to answer correctly wins a massive 3k! and my party hat or one of my other wearable rares for a whole day(24hours).

If this turns out good and people are actually playing then ill do more. The person that answers correctly will meet me in varrok the next day at 6pm my time which is mountain time.
(ill do a edit on the blog to show who won. If they don't show too bad!)

Anyways that was a unnecessary long intro to something very simple here's the picture! Good luck.


Winner is "Twirleh"
Okay Twirleh meet me tommrrow at 6pm mountain time at grand exchange ill wait for you for 15mins! Congrads!(I made this wayyy to easy haha) look forward to that 3k! Ummm world 113 should be good.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Latest Poll is in.

111 People voted!!! I thank you for your participation. This is my 2Nd poll now here's, the video I made talking about the poll.
(It may not make sense because apparently I don't know any English today)

Thanks again for voting and feel free to participate in the next poll!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

I hit 90 mage!

I can't believe it little less then a week and already 1 mage lvl. This new item im alching is incredible in stock. The only downside is I'm losing a few gp every alch. But this is by far the fastest and cheapest way to lvl mage I have ever found. Im going to keep this short because theres nothing really to write about. Yup im done.(You can click to see the original picture, which is more clear.)

Thursday, September 18, 2008

RS Random Solo Clanwars commentary/gameplay part 2

Jesus that was a long title! Any how ladies and gentlemen thank you for coming to the site. Here is the exclusive Part 2, that wont be uploaded anywhere else. Favorite this link because I update it regularly with new videos and blogs all dedicated to Runescape. Enjoy.


Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Runescape over the years pt5

I'm not too sure where I left off because I jump all over the place for these blogs. But here we go anyways.

By the time I had pkercomplete good in my books he was about lvl 70.

Yes lvl 70 that was when he was at his prime for combat/stats. He was making the most amount of money back then. Not from Pking in the wild but dueling. To tell you the truth I've never made a lot of money from pking. Probably only 15 million if that from pking. The money was in dueling.

I was lvl 70 with 40def,80+range and all my other stats were there just for show as I never used them. I would no armour stake people. The thing about dueling back then is we didn't have two screens of confirmation like today. So I made a killing off people that would spend all day tring to scam you.

My favorite scam was people who would challenge me to a no armour and at the last minute turn off the no shield option making me think I could use my bow. But I always looked up my opponents stats, no matter how little or how much I dueled for. If their range was higher then mine no chance in blue hell I would accept. But if their range was lower then mine. Their money was mine because I always carried darts.

I even had a lvl 30, yes a lvl 30 challenge me and do this scam on me. Probably dueled for 400k. After we were in the fight he was saying things like "rofl..... lol.... your such a noob!".
I let my health drop to half then pulled out my darts and then his cockiness soon stopped and he dropped to the floor. After he was begging for his stuff back and saying things like I scammed him. It was good times.

Staking was all about picking your fights. If you get bored easily and would duel anyone. Gaurnteed you would be losing money unless you get really lucky. But if you choose who you fight you raise the chances of you winning a lot. I only lost im guessing 10%-15% of my duels. I wish today you could still stake....

There were some amazing duels when I dueled. The biggest I had staked back then was 3 sanatas which back then was about 3million each. I would have video about staking but I did not start youtube quite......

to be con'td

Monday, September 15, 2008

I would put this on my myspace but no1....

I would put this on my myspace but no1 responds as fast as you guys on here. So heres the deal my friend from Kimberley wanted me to put up one of his videos on my channel, the purpose to give him exposure.

I was like for sure, anything for a friend. BUT this video he uploaded right now, it kinda sucks.... Balls..... Like literally you can see lameness pouring out from the seams of the video. Manbearpig we threw together on the spot.

Compared to this video Manbearpig looks like a Oscar. So whats my plan? What should I do? The video is 7:01mins long! shiet thats long! Some advice please. I could not watch it at all honest to god..... The first 1 min is completely pointless theres no friggin sound for like 50 seconds!?! I don't understand the video! I mean I seen one of their other videos and it actually turned out decent! I liked it check it.

but this one is on a whole different level as I'm speechless. So what should I do!? Put it on public? Delete the video!?! awwww man I shoulda kept my mouth shut.....

Needs your help on making a decision on this video!
~begging MrISIB

EDIT: Talked it over with my friend. I told him theres a big possibility of hate. But he says put it up anyways. Lets see the hate!

Peter Responds.

(If you can't read it you can click it to see the original picture of it, im not to sure why it blurs out)

If you don't understand whats going on see blog "Zezima tries to scam me!"

Now my thoughts on this. Are people really that stupid? Honest to god what is this kid thinking? I think I even made a video on youtube talking about stupid scams. Gawwwddd and he was so impatient he had to send me 2 replys. I don't know what to say. Im literally reading his posts and shaking my head. Speechless..... I thought I made me reply as sarcastic as possible..... Does this kid really think im going to give him my password? Fuckkkkk what a dumbass.


Sunday, September 14, 2008

The poll is in

So the poll was this.

The following video talks about the poll thanks for voting!

I personally picked RSC. Because that's what sold me on the whole game of Runescape. Everything was funner back then. But it might be me maturing as well. But RSC will always have a place in my heart as some of my best time was spend playing that game. What did you vote on and why?

Vote in the newest poll today!


EDIT: I decided to take off the music player cause sometimes at night time scrolling down and it auto plays. It scares the living day lights out of me hahaha. So I added this supporter list instead. I have no idea what is. But defiantly check er out.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I hit 89 mage!

Well this is going to be a short post. As its not really a blog but more of a show off type deal haha! I really do think 99 mage is possible now as I found a new item to alch and its amazing I get like 50k+ exp a day. When I hit 99 mage I will share how I got it, as I don't want anyone to buy this item with me.

As the rune maces/longs thing that I shared, I can't even buy 1 anymore. This new item is perfect. Im only losing a little bit of money but the random events make up for it. Anyways heres the screenshot and hopefully I'll see 90 mage very soon.
(The date I actually got this was Sept 12,2008 I was just to lazy to do a little write up about it)

Thanks for the Congrads in advance.

Zezima tries to scam me!

I just received a private message from Peter(Zezima) and hes such a nice guy! Hes soooo clever. Check it out!

Screen shot just in case you can't read what he wrote.(click picture to enlarge)

Do you think Peter will respond to me?
A)Yes he will, because he is indeed a retard
B)No give him some credit! Hes the greatest!!!

Lets hear your thoughts! What should I say if he responds????

Friday, September 12, 2008


So a bunch of people on youtube have sent me a few messages saying stuff like "dude you should give your thoughts on Defil3d..."

Got news for you I only know of her cause shes one of the most subscribed people on youtube just because she only does Runescape videos. Shes like skychi, I don't know what happend to him he just deleted his Youtube account for no reason.

Edit:But I dug it up and found that he got his feelings hurt cause people were making fun of him and his girlfriend. (Just in case you were curious like me.)
WTF is this. If your that fragile about these things DO NOT SHOW YOUR FACE ONLINE. Me I don't care you call me a chink or other racial slurs. Its not going to bother me what so ever.

So onto Defil3d, from what I can tell she apparently scammed someone and autos and is a guy in real life.

My thoughts.... WHO THE FUCK CARES?

For the person that got scammed its their own fault. I've already shared my own personnel times where I got scammed. Its your own fault for getting scammed.

For Defil3d autoing. If she is autoing she would be caught by now. Why does it even matter that she autos? Its a game. Its not going to effect you in anyway even if she does, who cares if anything shes doing you a favor. Shes either running bots to pick flax or some other random stuff like that so shes lowering prices because there's more abundance of whatever shes collecting. If she is autoing she probably made a lot of money so that means rares. Her account gets deleted with the rares, less rares to go around, prices go up.

Finally shes a guy in real life. Why does it matter? Shes on youtube to make Runescape videos that are free to watch. Its so dumb why does it matter honestly. You think she would get less subscribers on youtube if she was a guy? Look back and see how many subscribers skychi had. He had the most at the time and even made it on the most subscribed list.

Runescape is played by millions of people, that are over heels for the game. It doesn't matter what sex you are as long as you give the audience what they want. Do you know how I gained 400subscribers in 2 weeks? Cause I released Runescape related videos close to each other I haven't made anything about Runescape in a long time.

So what am I getting at? Its simple good content you put out people will watch and subscribe, sex does not matter at all.

Conclusion, none this was the most retarded blog ever honest to fucking god this was soooooo retarded...........If I missed something about this whole Defil3d thing, leave me comment. I would love to read it.